
Believers: how did you find your faith?

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were you born into it? did you choose it after much careful research? was it just a gut reaction? I'm curious because I'm kind of leaning towards having faith myself, but I'm not sure where to go from here. that might sound strange to some, but I was born into a family where religion was pretty much optional, so I wasn't really directed into any one path. thanks for any insights :)




  1. Try reading some scriptures and then read James 1:5-6 and Moroni 10:3-5 and see if you can get the answer from your Heavenly Father.

    If you are serious, check out and get the answers to Life's Biggest questions.

    Also gives you all the scriptures to read online.

  2. God lead me all the way.

  3. When I was younger I tried and tried and tried to make myself believe. I came from a take-it-or-leave-it family too. I thought there was something wrong with me that I didn't believe.

    I think belief happens for some people, and for others it doesn't. Reading and talking to people, like you are doing here, is a great way to try out different ideas before you adopt them.

  4. sounds a bit silly i know- but I found it in a box of Rice Bubbles.

    You see, after a week of heavy drinking/ drug taking, I sat down to breakfast with a big bowl of RBs. They started whispering to me to change my ways. And they spoke to me about love. They started reciting passages of the Bible to me. If your ears are truly open - you too will hear them speak God's truth.

    I have started my own CBC (Cereal Box Church). We commune over breakfast every Saturday. Tommorow we are going to get a sermon from a bowl of Cornflakes.

    Its amazing were God resides!

  5. I was brought up a Christian, went through a period of atheism/agnosticism and am now a Hindu. I did read a lot about many religions, and found that other religions such as Christianity are better understood via Hindu philosophy than by the explanations of their own followers, books like "the sermon on the mount according to Vedanta" are more enlightening than biblical accounts.

    At this point I was still agnostic, though my respect for Hinduism increased. I had a great vested interest in NOT becoming a Hindu, because of worries about the reaction of my family and knowing that Hinduism is not an evangelical religion.

    One day I saw a murti (devotional Icon/Statue) of Shiva in a second hand shop and brought it out of curiosity. I cleaned it and put it on a shelf, and found that often when I was in my room my attention would be drawn to it, and I would look on it, feel happy and contented and relaxed. Then one day it hit me - this was God present in my house. (I know that God is present everywhere, but this is a focus for our minds on God, so subjectively it is God present). From that point there was no going back, I knew that Hinduism was the path for me. Even so it was weeks before I told my wife and months before I first went to a mandir.

    I found that in fact Hindus though not evangelical are very welcoming of believers. Also my family have not been the problem I thought they would. After praying to Ganesh for my wife to understand my path unexpectedly she said that she also wanted to follow Hinduism. Ganesh had appeared to her in a dream, and she knew that she could follow him.

    So, it was a long path to my religion. Though not straight forward it was not nearly as bad as the fear of taking the path.

  6. They get told bible stories as children where if you don't believe terrible things happen to you . They are also told how people who don't believe will go to h**l forever and burn . The punchline is they are told it is because god loves them . I wonder what he would do if he hated you ?

  7. I was kinda born into it but it wasn't beaten into my head. I have done ample research and found many good teachings in other religions but came to a conclusion that Jesus is indeed our saviour. I have also prayed and God has shown me signs which I would have failed to see without His help. God does say test everything and I am still testing which brings me closer to God each day.

  8. ♥

    My faith came by hearing !

    Romans 10: 17

    "Faith comes by hearing,

    and hearing by the Word Of God."

  9. (Rom 10:17) "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

    Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, and that is how it happened for me. One day, I took a Bible, I got on my knees, and I told God that I wasn't getting up until I knew I was going to heaven. When I came to believe the gospel of Christ, a peace came over me, and I was completely changed. The sins that I once enjoyed now made me sick, and the godly things that I didn't care for became my life. God changed me, and it all started with the Word of God.

  10. Start reading the bible and i suggest you to order this book called the prophesied end-times by ronald weinland..  Its free and it can help you decide were to find faith and how you can make your personal decisions... The book is free and you can order it from: and you can get his second book also and it will truly help you on your journey!!!

  11. One night I looked to the sky and screamed to God and the next day I was walking home and these 3 loud winds hit me and blew the gate to my house open for me and then as I walked through another wind came and blew it shut behind me.  It was kind of like someone opening the door for you at 7-11 except it was the wind so it was much cooler.  And it happened again too,  but I'll save that for another time.

  12. i find my faith by growing (attending and studying) in THE WORD

  13. my mom....

    my mom takes me to church and had me baptized at age 1 or 2 ( i forgot ) then when i was 5 i started to just naturally believe in god

    at one time when my parents seperated and life was really bad for i was about to lose faith in god... i remebered everything that happens to me is what god wants for me tto expirience and i started to believe in god again.... after a year my parents got back together, i was in poverty anymore and my life turned around

    believing in god and having faith will pay back later

    just see the movie 'persuit of happiness'

  14. i was led to it..i dont know..maybe one of God's mysterious ways worked on me..

    i was able to meet great Christian friends and when they started sharing with me the Gospel, i was sooooo overwhelmed by it that i myself committed myself to my Savior.

    u just need to sustain urself with a lot of devotional readings to enhance ur relationship with ur Creator.

    just keep praying and he will provide.

    God loves a believer. he won't let you drift away from him

    just ask and u shall receive.

    have faith.

    pray more

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