
Believers--if somebody told you that they saw Lucifer?

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Live and in person, would you believe that person?




  1. You mean, Lucifer who live down the h**l Doom Street. lol

    Definite hallucination, he needs serious help.  

    Try God, he is always there and ready to help.

  2. Please...what day and age is this, the Puritan days?

  3. Of course they wouldn't.....they only believe in imaginary things.

  4. How would they know what Lucifer looks like?  Because if he's as sneaky as they say, he would look like Tom Brady and be as nice as pie.

  5. He was probably on psychogenic drugs, those will always show you what you fear most.

  6. No of course not. Satan, or lucifer as you call him is a spirit being. we cannot see spiritual beings.  

  7. Please call him Satan. Lucifer means, "the power of God". something he will never have.

  8. did they know his name was Lucifer...?  did he show them his ID card...?   ("they" can believe whatever "they" want to believe)

  9. yeh, if they were on acid or something

  10. No I wouldn't. Lucifer is not Satan. Lucifer is a Latin word inserted by the King James translators. Isaiah is really speaking of the king of Babylon and not the Devil. Unless the Babylonian king is 3000 years old I would have to say I wouldn't believe it. Satan, on the other hand, has and does appear as an angel of light so it could be very possible that someone could see him.  I couldn't rule it out in all honesty.

  11. Nope...because Lucifers name was CHANGED to SATAN, which means adversary of God.

    I would say that the person had a bad case of indigestion or was hallucinating.

  12. Lucifer is the bright and shining morning star....aka, the planet Venus.

  13. It depends on the situation...

    In most cases I would say no, mainly because the Bible seems to indicate in its last chapters that neither satan or God are really going to be showing themselves to the human race in any true form until the end of time. Satan may still be doing things, but not in visible forms (for example, how he tested Job, but never really revealed himself in any form). But the antichrist is supposed to be basically satan in the flesh.

  14. No.

  15. After going to high school with a girl who was a raving loon, telling me she talked to God all day. Not a chance.

    *and that wasn't a random dig, this was specific to a person I know. She is full on schizophrenic, last time she was over at a mutual friends house she thought the CIA was going to shoot her through the walls and spent most of the time there hiding under the coffee table.

  16. it depends on who the person is. And if i believed them, then I would run.

  17. They would starve the guy and 'exorcise' him.

  18. Yes. I know someone who has seen him (Satan) and I believe her because she is my mother. I know that she would not lie. She doesn't like to talk about it but she was going through a very hard time and considering turning her back on God. It's a good job she came to her senses and stuck it out!

    The fact that she gets upset and doesn't like to discuss it is proof enough for me. My previous minister also told a story about a friend of his who used to have regular "visits".

    Many people experience situations similar to this just before or whilst they are considering giving their lives to God. In my mother's case, I believe this was happening just as she was preparing for her Baptism (I was a small child; I don't remember). Obviously, Satan was trying to pull her away.

  19. I'd say it was probably Satan disguised as Lucifer.

  20. I'd suggest they get some help.

  21. Of course I would. I saw jesus in the supermarket the other day for some reason no one believes me......

  22. Lucifer? No. Elvis, maybe. An Elvis impersonator, Definitely! LOL!

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