
Believers in God: People say they don't know how to be humble before God. Being humble is like being thankful.?

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Believers in God: People say they don't know how to be humble before God. Being humble is like being thankful.?




  1. Freedom from pride or arrogance; lowliness of mind. It is not weakness but a state of mind that is pleasing to Jehovah.

    Humility has great value in the eyes of Jehovah. Although God does not owe mankind anything, in undeserved kindness he is ready to show mercy and favor to those humbling themselves before him.

    Such ones show that they are not trusting or boasting in themselves but are looking to him and want to do his will.

    As the inspired Christian writers James and Peter say: “God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones.”—Jas 4:6; 1Pe 5:5.

    Even those who have in the past practiced very bad things, if they truly humble themselves before Jehovah and beseech him for mercy, will be heard by him.



  2. Being humble is to come before God without arrogance, acknowledging his sovereignty and omnipotence.

  3. Here is how a pastor described humility to me once:

    "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less often."

    In other words it is putting the needs of others before the needs of your own. To that end, Jesus was the most humble person in history. He went to the cross even though it would mean death for Him but it meant eternal life would be possible for all who believe. So He acted unselfishly -- for the benefit of others.

    Hope that helps.  

  4. Humility is one of the hardest things to grasp. It definitely goes along with being thankful, as well as grateful. I find myself thinking I have mastered it, only to find out I have much work to do. Humility comes through the challenging times we encounter. We realize we really didn't have anything to complain about during the dilemna prior to the latest one. lol Pride cometh before a fall, or as best said in the Bible: Proverbs 29:23 (King James Version)

    King James Version (KJV)

    Public Domain


    23A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.

    It seems we learn it the hard way everytime, doesn't it? At least I do. Praise God! Love, Ivy

  5. it is mostly like being the servant earnest and ready.  It goes with being meek.

  6. One cannot be humble without being thankful. If you forget to be thankful, you become prideful.

    Phi. 4:6-7 says it best. Not to worry about anything and to go to God with thanksgiving.

  7. "Humility is the defining characteristic of an unpretentious and modest person, someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others."

  8. Being humble before God means that we realize we are nothing without Him. It is the exact opposite of being prideful and boasting in oneself. It means that in all we do and all that we are, we give God the glory and take none for ourselves. And it means that we do not act humble so that people will notice; we are truly submitted to God and do not care if people see it or not.

  9. Not exactly though they are related in some way.  Being humble before God means truly accepting that he knows more than you know!  To put it simply, he is God, I am not!  Humility before God acknowledges that all we are and all we have is from him and for him (the from him part relates to thankfulness).  The humble person doesn't tell God what he wants, he asks what God thinks he needs.  The humble person accepts that when God doesn't give us what we think we need (when he says no), it is because he knows something we don't know.  

    Check out Luke 18:10-14 ...which man was humble before God?  

  10. tapeinoo {tap-i-no'-o}

    Greek: verb

    Possible Definitions:

    1) to make low, bring low

       1a) to level, reduce to a plain

       1b) metaph. to bring into a humble condition, reduce to meaner circumstances; i.e. to assign a lower rank or place to; to abase; to be ranked below others who are honoured or rewarded; to humble or abase myself by humble living

       1c) to lower, depress: one's soul bring down one's pride; to have a modest opinion of one's self, to behave in an unassuming manner, devoid of all haughtiness

    ucharisteo {yoo-khar-is-teh'-o}

    Greek: verb

    Possible Definitions:

    1) to be grateful, feel thankful

    2) give thanks

    eucharisteo {yoo-khar-is-teh'-o}

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