
Believers in ghosts and spirits only please??

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Do you think it would work if I wished to see spirits and ghosts. Do you think i would actually start to see them? I already saw a shadow person once. I know this could be dangerous. I know your not supposed to "ask" or "allow" spirits to show themselves to you because then anything can come through the door, but i want to see ghosts... What do you all think about this?




  1. Why the h**l would you wanna? I know I few people that can see ghost and its really freaky.

  2. I did this as a child and I am now 47.Make not one but TWO simple ghost detectors. It works and may help you in your quest but you had BETTER say a heartfelt prayer for only spirits from Gods white light to come into your home. Take some LONG wooden matches [[generally found in the candle section of department stores, used for lighting tall glass candles bbq and fireplaces]] and cut off the sulpher ends. Using cotton or silk thread secure 3 of them into a triangle shape. [[ I put a slit in matchsticks, like the top of spool of thread, to hold thread in place to secure base together]] Using 3 more long matches and same thread, tie the bundle of 3 matches together about 3/4 inch from one end. Spread the match sticks out to fit into corners of frame you already have. It will look like a TeePee in a bottom base frame. Using the same thread, tie a ring or something made of a natural metal onto one end and tie the other end to top of TeePee with weight hanging down inside of structure. Put  the detector on a solid [but not electrical]surface,{preferrably wood or natural metal but it dosent have to be} in a place you look all the time. Set a little sign next to it that says "ghost swing"  The key to building this is to use natural materials, it MAY work with other stuff, but thats not what I did, so I dont know. [[Remember, I was just a kid when I did this.]] I put it on a bookshelf near the TV but not touching the TV or the stand TV was on. Sure enough, the thing would start swinging from time to time with no obvious cause. My big brother said it was just something outside like traffic or somebody blasting or the nearby TV, that caused a vibration we couldnt feel but would make the nut I had used, to swing. That made sense to me, so I built a second one and set it next to the first. I put a little sign next to that one which said "NOT for ghosts or spirits" One swing would start to swing and the other would remain still. Big brother, switched places of the two swings and STILL only the "ghost swing" would swing. I built these because I would tell people there were ghosts around and nobody seemed to believe me. This happened before I started school so I must have been 4 or 5 years old. I will probably get alot of thumbs down for telling you this because to mess with things in this realm without taking safety precautions really can be dangerous. You have already acknowledged you are aware of the danger, and I told you about the prayer so there is not much  else I can do. If you do this, it would be very interesting to keep a tape recorder and/or a video camera nearby, so when you have "company"  you can ask a few questions and possibly tape a ghostly response. Not all spirits will be able to respond in this way, so dont give up if you dont get a recording on every try. Given time, the spirits will know you want to see them, and one of them may allow themselves, or some of their activities, to be seen. You can find more about recording them on other sites. Hope this helps and Happy Hunting!!

  3. I wouldn't suggest it, but if you really feel inclinded i suppose it could work. Just make sure you mentally call a good one. I cant see them myself most of the time but i can sense them and my friend can see them.

  4. Why do you want to see them? Curiosity? Bragging rights? If they want you to see them, you'll see them. That's how it works. Wishing won't help, it just makes your imagination work overtime. Seeing spirits is walking a fine line between the worlds of good and evil and people that see them aren't necessarily "gifted" or "special." Wanting to see them will only draw dark forces toward you. Evil really does exist and yes, shadow people can be quite dangerous. Don't play with energies. But, if you're determined, then I agree; go to places that are known to be haunted. Maybe you'll get lucky.

  5. Well I'm Clairvoyent and I see them all the time, and sometimes it's NOT fun. Sometimes they just pop out of no where and it's scary, lol. If you really wont to see them look them up and find out some haunted places near you and go with your friends or by your self. And if you go you have to bring a camra so you can catch them on camra. I hope I helped, GoOd luCk

  6. Yes, it's dangerous!  You will have no idea who or what will come forward.  It could be good, bad or really bad.  By seeing one you may have already opened yourself to them and you may start seeing them anyway.  

    Having a open mind is always a start to experiencing what is beyond what most feel is our understanding.  But always in your mind's eye surround yourself with God's divine white light. It will help protect you from the bad or evil spirits as they are afraid of the light.

    Good luck and be careful

  7. We all have our spirit guilds.Try to find out who your spirit guild is.They really appreseate being reconised and spoken too.My spirit guild jennifer who is ten years old always turns up in a different coloured dress and hat every time.Jennifer likes to dress in victorian cloths as i beleive thats the period she lived in.Last time she was wearing a lemon dress and hat.Jennifer is the daughter i never had.I had always wanted a daughter and when i found out 12 years ago my spirit guild was a little blonde girl with brown eyes.I was so excited and so very,very happy.

  8. No it isnt good for some people this isn't like having the power to fly ..

  9. there are ways to start seeing them but i'd rather not tell you for your own good. people will only start to see and experience these type of things when they are ready.. you also have to understand what you are seeing. by seeing the other world... you are putting yyourself in a lot of danger. ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE NOT READY!!! i am serious here. doing so can lead to mental breakdown and even death. most ppl who start to see this have reached a certain understanding and are ready to see them... thats the only reason why they can see them. if you cant see .. you are not ready. be patient. and you know what.. i'll be very honest with you.. i started to see things.. all of a sudden. i got really really really scared and asked for it t stop. and it did.. i soon stopped seeing... at a higher level i most probably am ready.. thats why i started to see.. but at a mental level.. i know i am not ... i am not strong enough mentally to start seeing this.  i will not request to see again until i am 100% sure i am ready both at a higher level and mentally.

  10. I believe that you are seeing the devil himself. Please avoid thinking or wanting to see that because, you could be diamond possess.

  11. Do you think ghosts only go to visit those who have expressed a desire (wished) to see them?  How would they know this?  If so, this would force me to arrive at the conclusion that ghosts are indeed the product of wishful thinking.

    When wishing to see a ghost, it does help a great deal if you take for granted their existence.  Given the very nature of the paranormal, I would wonder why you would take such a thing for granted, but it certainly wouldn't hurt.

    If I wished hard enough, would I be able to see fairies?

  12. There is nothing wrong with talking to ghosts.  It really does not matter if you wish to see them or not. Either they will show themselves to you or not, but talking to will not hurt anything.


  13. No whatever you do never wish to see ghosts. Its very bad because your asking for the gates of the other side to open and anything can exit. For all you know youll end up seeing demons and demons can hurt or harm you in anyway. I knew of sombody who ended up in a mental institution because of that.

  14. i hope you have a strong stomache when you see a car wreck victim ghost if you do get to see them, just remember seeing them means its easier for them to attack you, and this isnt something where you can just "shut it off whenever" it stays on after you get it, but if you honestly want to get better at it learn meditation meditation is the key to alot of things but personally just be glad with seeing them every single now and then,

  15. beleiving and wishing will not change the laws of nature or bend physics to your will. However, if you look for ghosts hard enough you will see them, even if they are not really there. The mind is a prowerful peice of equipment, don't underestimate suggestion and wishful thinking. It has led many people down false avenues in the field of paranoral investigation.

  16. My friend and I are going ghost hunting this weekend. I have seen ghosts and he hasn't. He's just like you- ready and willing...but I warned him: you can NEVER be prepared enough to see a ghost, and I think once you do- you'll hope you never see another one. I'm going with him because I know it would be such a monumental moment for him and I want to be there if it happens...but take it from a "seer," it's creepy...and I think you're trying too hard to see them (by the way)...if you want to see a ghost you will have to wait for one to appear...and your energy has to be "right" for the occasion. Don't play with ouija boards or have seonces (guess I can't spell it either), just try to focus on enlightening your own energy, and then you'll most likely see one. Spirits are attracted to sensitive energy, so heighten yours...and good luck.

  17. I think you have to do more than wish. I can wish to win the lottery but I still need to buy a ticket.

    There is a children's book called "How To Find A Ghost" by James Deem that I required all of my team members to read as part of their training it has some ideas on how to investigate and stats on what most people are doing when they see a ghost. I suggest starting with the book.

    Please let me know if I might be of further assistance.


  18. I do not think you can just wish and have it happen. If it would, I would think it would be a negative entity. Stay away from Ouija Boards and sayonces, that stuff is evil. Did you think about joining a volunteer paranormal investigation group? They have them everywhere or maybe just as everyone else said, a well known haunted area. I have a Rosary that was given to me by my grandmother that I believe will protect me. Maybe you have something simular that you can take along with you.

  19. Well We are ghost hunters. And the spirits you don't want to deal with are 'evil' spirits. Yes there is such thing as evil spirits and good spirits. You want the good spirits because they will protect you from things.

    If you want to start seeing them start ghost hunting. Go to places that have been said they're haunted. Start investigating your house. Call the spirits and ask them to talk to you. Don't do a sayounes (how ever you spell it) because that will call evil spirits which you don't want.

    Good luck!!

    -Jessica, Ryan, and Haleigh the ghost hunters

  20. No, it does not work that way.  There are ways to enhance ones abilities if you have a gift.  But wishing will not make it so.  It would be great if it did work that way, because a few non believers would change their minds quickly.

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