
Believers in the Roswell crash, these are the same, who say they are going to use "Star Wars" technology.

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We have had many years of practice since Roswell. I am asking this: what would happen if the child of an Alien were to realy have died here? What would you do if your child was lost on a HOSTILE planet? I may be very wrong here: but NASA called this Satilite "Un-responcive" How do they know, or we know, it truly is our Satilite? We are now coming into an age where nothing should be left to chance! Believers on both sides of this should question this action. Especialy because we couldn't even accept those pictures of "life on Mars." People..look up! "star wars" is ringing at the "Bell" Be it for War or Peice, they are here to finde...what we advertised...




  1. That would be cool, I can't wait till the day something like aliens or Zombies attack earth. I know i will be ready

  2. I don't think this will happen in our lifetime...but I worry about future generations that might have to go through this. Hope they'll do something to prepare them for things like this. I really don't think there could be any alien children left here...alive or dead. Surely they  wouldn't bring their children with them on a space ship. But , who knows how they "think". They could do it as part of their training. I think it would be worse if they were left her alive. They would probably be really scared.

  3. i think you are a little out there in fantasy, get a grip, try starting at reality and creeping towards the unknown rather than the other way around

  4. We know it's our satellite because we sent it up there.  Believe it or not, these things are pretty complicated and expensive.  They don't just appear.  There is a lot of planning and deliberate action to place them where they are intended to be.

    "...nothing should be left to chance..."?  What are you talking about?

    " on Mars..."  Again, what are you talking about?

    You appear to be either joking or else a little out of touch with reality.  If the satellite take-down were as you seem to be saying it is we never would have heard of it.  Oh, and the Roswell story is a complete fabrication.

  5. If aliens exist and if the 1947 Roswell event was a reality and important to them, and if they are able to travel the speed of light, they've had time now for a 30 light year round trip.

    Anyone who cares and believes aliens exist is offered the choice of ceasing to care, or ceasing to believe.  Anything capable of traveling the speed of light won't get any competition from anything humanity can offer up.

    If aliens are real, they're going to have whatever they want without any questions asked in any way that makes a difference to them.

    At least that's my take on things.

  6. I believe there were aliens at Roswell, My uncle was on the flight that carried their bodies. He said there were several small coffins. He never told anyone details until he found he was dying from cancer. Although over the years he always said it was a cover up and that there was more than one flight carring the debris. He always said that the one that came to Ft Worth was a decoy.

    So........... yeah, the "satellite" may not be a satellite. I have found it kind of strange how much attention is being made to this one. It's not like this is the first one to fall.

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