
Believers (no skeptics) How do I get in touch with my spirit guide?

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Also, have you even seen your own aura? Sometimes I might jsut randomly look u an an object or person and I see it, both my mom and I have a light blue almsot fluffy cloud color, and my aura was grey/blue once too. My mom also sinced her mom's auro change before she died (its said that your aura turns white a few hours before death and my mom never knew this till I told her)




  1. It is not a spirit guide you seek, but an agent of satan.

    The bible clearly states that anyone who associates with Mediums, Astrologers or Familiars and other spiritual creatures is an abomination to God and will not be allowed through the gates of Heaven.

    So, I hope you don't believe in God, as you are asking how to rebel against him.

    for the record, your mother is probably Burning in h**l if she was involved in the occult as you are.

    edit: Maybe you are experiencing demonic possession, since you have all these dealings with the occult and things that God warns us to steer clear of.

  2. Meditation is the only way I know of.Your SPIRIT GUIDE is always with you all you have to do is accept it's presence.

  3. Be very still meditate for a while. Let the universe know your intention is to be in touch with your spirit guide, ask questions and wait for the answer..

    I've seen my Aura before, Around my fingers.

  4. .beware of false Prophets.

  5. Guides are always ready to assist you.

    All you need to do is ask.  Then stay focused and listen

    love and blessings Don

  6. To get in touch with your spirity guide-  Try the phonebook.  Yellow pages.  Under "Spiritual Assistance."

    j/k, j/k.  I don't believe in the spiritty guide stuff, so I can't help you there, but I do know a bit about the aura concept.  Others who experiance auras would probably back you up in saying that no, you're not insane...  and there are quite a few who do experiance such things.

  7. Scientifically speaking, there is no such thing as a "spirit guide". That is more of a religious concept, if anything. Have you tried asking this in Religion & Spirituality?

  8. Eri,

    you have a lot of opinions that you state as fact but truely have no basis in fact at all.

    You state here that time travel is against the basic laws of physics.  BS.  

    Read...Funny that Stanford hasn't ruled out the possibility, but YOU have.

    On auras you state, "If you can see auras around people, this guy will give you a million bucks to prove it. Should be easy."  I'll give you ten bucks if you can prove to me what you are seeing right now.  Come on.  Should be easy.

  9. If you can see auras around people, this guy will give you a million bucks to prove it.  Should be easy.

    Also, if you want to know how to do something, wouldn't it be useful to know that it can't be done?  Like if you wanted to know how to time travel to the past - wouldn't you rather know that it's against the basic laws of physics before wasting your time?

  10. OK, I wont answer, geez!

    I heard people's auras are white when they are stressed, is that true? I wish I could see things like that, I would be much less skeptical.

  11. When you are ready, they will contact you. So simply make ready to receive them.



  12. You should check out some of the groups  try Mystic investigations  (mediator Pat really nice) they talk about aura's and give advice re; spiritual guides.

    I used to read the postings but they were over my head but you sound as if you'd like it.  Good luck.


  13. Hi ,what u need to do is meditate or find a form of deep relaxation ,put on oils or insense ,must have quiet,u can relax by getting candle and focus for 5-10 mins on its flame ,can clear area with a smudge stick,then surround yourself with white light and call in your spirit guide .Sit with this for a while ,u can ask for a sign u are connecting with ur guide ,ask its name ,u may get a touch,or even a certain smell.The

  14. Yes, I've seen my own aura, but it changes constantly. It reflects you mood, how you're feeling, if you're sick or not, etc. Spirits guides, I think, are actually pretty easy to get in touch with, but you need to learn to see them and listen. That's the hard part. Our spirit guides are always right there, but we just don't always notice.

    Have you ever tried to have a conversation with your guide(s)? It will often sound like you're talking to yourself, but it's really your guide. Ask them to come forward in a dream or meditate to contact them. They're there. Or you can ask them for a small sign when they want to talk to you. Maybe you'll feel a little tickling breeze on your arm or like someone is pulling on your hair. Maybe it'll just be a "feeling" that they are around. They are.

    The biggest bit of advice about talking to spirits of any kind is that we need to learn how to listen to them. It's not a physical talking (though it might seem that way when we occasionally hear our name called). They're aren't physical and don't rely on a voice box to talk. It's really heart to heart communication. My other advice is to really come in tune with your body. Take notice of how you feel around certain situations. Your body will let you know when something is going on.

  15. man if aura's are white when you are stressed then mine stays white....but to you question there is a book by Ted Andrews called "How to see & read the Aura"

    might help some.

    As for the spirit guid medatate and ask for him to revel himself to you...

  16. fast and cleanse yourself physically and spiritually.  meditate regularly.  desire and truly desire to get in touch with your spiritual guide.  he will come to you in your prayer.

  17. Spirit guide questions are better suited to "Myth and Folklore".I think we can all agree on at least that.Aura's can be any color you imagine them to be.

  18. Sorry sweetie, but this is a public forum, so you're going to have both skeptics and true believers answering.

    How do you know you have a spirit guide?  Is it just something you sense?  I don't understand where this idea comes from.  If you can't see it and you can't communicate with it, how do you know it exists?  If it did indeed exist, wouldn't you already be in contact with it?

    How do you know what color auras turn?  If your mother could see her mother's aura don't you think she would see it turn white soon before she passed away?  Do you find it strange that you had to tell your mother what color a death aura is when she claims to be able to see it?


    Standford is studying *theoretical* physics.  Ask any physicist out there if the laws of physics as we know them allow for time travel.  She will tell you absolutely not.  She will then allude to the work you cite here, making sure to point out that such discussions are not practical.

  19. Sylvia Browne is a credible source for you investigate. She is a prolific author on these subjects. She is the guest every Wenesday on the  Montel show. Check her out.

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