
Believers of the paranormal. Was ever ever a time you questioned your sanity?

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I do not mean any disrespect here. There is a reason I am asking. I am a believer by the way.




  1. hah Yeah I question my sanity all the time :) haha but its not because of the paranormal. I always wonder what if what we say was sane was actually insane. Then a lot of people would be insane but because of that, that would be the norm and being sane would be like being insane.... :)

  2. no, not really, I am a pretty logical person, unlike many here.

  3. Yes, when I saw my first ghost, I was willing to believe I was insane than to believe i actually saw a ghost.

  4. yes wnen i watched my mom die of cancer some paranormal things happend to me and still do

  5. Yes, when I first saw a ufo.  I contacted the FAA received full confirmation, then I went online and realized the object I had seen has been seen by others.  I saw a picture of it and knew I wasn't crazy.

  6. Unless you are having conversations with entities observable only to you I wouldn't worry about it.

  7. Yes, when I was a child and had an experience.  Now I just embrace it.  However, I don't really talk about my experiences to others much in fear of being called crazy.

  8. I have never questioned my sanity, because I know what I saw was truly before my eyes and clearly saw what I saw. And I have several more personal experiences since the first time I saw a spirit. All of that got me into the field of the paranormal and also why I became a paranormal investigator.  

    Plus, the paranormal also runs side-by-side with my religious beliefs as a Catholic Christian with the Holy Spirit and Sheol (the Land of the Dead) where our souls/spirits go to await judgement from God. Although, those are my views and beliefs. I don't except anyone to believe what I do. Everyone has their minds and can make the choices that they please. :)

  9. yes

  10. LOL! Yes but my friend and I had a digital camera to capture what we where seeing. But at first we thought we were going crazy together. Then mutual friends who thought we were crazy got first hand the thought went away. :)

    Once you can prove it to yourself and even better, to one other person, then you feel a lot better about seeing the unseen. ;)

  11. sanity is in your mind

  12. well not really, i use reason and logic and when i can't see a natural reason, then i go with supernatural that sounds pretty sain to me

  13. I try not to read any other answer till I am done.  That way I can gage just how nuts I really sound to myself.

  14. lol. I'm a hopefull sceptic and i question my sanity daily. never seen anything personally but if I did I would most likely attribute it to insanity :)

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