
Belkin Wireless Adapter?

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I have the Belkin Wireless Adapter..I think N..the strongest one..but still get low signal at my there something else I can purchase or do to get stronger signal without having to purchase internet from an ISP?

Question number two: I don't have any kind of router or anything. If I get a Belkin Router will I have to pay for anything additional??




  1. You can try buying a directional antenna.  You can also try getting a wireless range extender. sells a lot of range extenders.

    If you really want a realiable network, go with powerline instead of wireless.  I really don't know why this technology hasn't taken off more.  Well I know why, but I don't understand why when we know all the security risks and people don't know how to secure their wireless why we keep advertising it when powerline will work for over 90% of customers who just want to extend the number of rooms they can use the Internet in.

    Check out this video:

  2. purchase a signal booster for your adapter or buy a new one

  3. I'm confused.  If you don't have a wireless router, then where are you picking up your signal?  Either you have a router or you are using someone else's connection.

    If you have a router already, you have to move the router closer to your laptop or remove some obstructions.  Wireless signals will be dampened by having to penetrate metal (a kitchen?) or to pass through a grounded device (water pipe?).  Moving the router and laptop around will improve things.

    If you are 'borrowing' your signal from a neighbor, then you can still improve things.  You need a directional antenna.  Go on the Internet and search for a "cantenna" and an external antenna PC card.  With the external antenna you will be able to raise lower or move the antenna to get the best signal.  A card with multiple antennas would be even better than a card with one antenna. Ether will be much better than the small antenna you now have.   If you still need more boost, then the cantenna will give you a very powerful very directional signal boost.

    And, the "n" doesn't mean more power, but it means that you can use the newest standard when it finally gets agreed and made available.

    If you get a new router (it doesn't have to be the same brand), again, look for ones with multiple antennas to get better signal coverage.  All you need is an Internet connection and the stuff that comes in the box.  You won't need to buy anything else.

  4. If you are using a wireless adapter and you do not have internet from an ISP or a wireless router. Whos connection are you using? You are not getting a strong signal cause you are using someone elses bandwidth in a more distant location. If you are in an area that offers free wireless internet, perhaps an apartment complex or something like that. I never seen it. If you want a strong connection it needs to be your connection. Meaning you have to pay for an internet connection. Also you have to get your own wireless router. Unless you wanna go sit outside the door of whereever you are getting this signal from.

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