
Bell Witch, Lizzy, & bloody mary?

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is the legend of the Bell Witch, Bloody Mary, and Lizzy Burdon true?

lizzy-if u say the nusery rhyme in the mirror then ull see a figure behind u and shell kill somone in ur family

bloody mary- the mirror game




  1. The Bell family did exist.

    Bloody Mary nah.

    Lizzie Borden yes.  She lived in Fall River, MA.  The house is now a B&B with some of the original furniture still there.  They never really proved Lizzie did it though.  So much blood and not a drop found on her?

    Good luck!!!!

  2. read this and judge for your self!

    all of these stories were infact based on true fact, but over time "blood & gore" were added

    ~Child of Ra

  3. Those "stories" have been going around since I was a kid (I'm 49 now) truth what-so-ever....

    However....they were GREAT scary games to play during sleepovers....done them...NEVER saw a thing...

  4. all the ledgends of sayinjg those ryhmes are a myth.

    nothing will happen.

    although Lizzie borden was a real person i highly doubt she will come after you from a mirror.....

    and btw she was never proven guilty as the murderer of her paresnts (just so ya know)

  5. There real people, but the stories aren't true.

  6. Well yes, Lizzie Borden is real, there is a bed and breakfast up in New England somewhere, that was the original house, and you can actually go and visit Lizzie's and her sister Emma's graves as well as her Fathers and Step Mothers, now did she kill her Father and stepmother...I believe she did, but there has never been enough evidence to convict her.

    Sorry didn't see the game about Lizzie, no I have never heard anything about a game about Lizzie where she would come back and kill you, this sounds like the bloody Mary legend and another Legend combined into one, but they do say that the Borden's old ho,e is Haunted..and people flock there especially on Halloween to stay the night in Lizzie's old room or the infamous murder bedroom.

    Now the Bell Witch, some say that she was, but I don't believe that she was...I read the story about the bell witch and I believe that John Bell was molesting his eldest Daughter and she herself was causing the manifestation through telekinesis.

    And as for the Bloody Mary, No absolutely not this is just an urban legend and has no merit behind it. I've done it and nothing has ever happened...sorry

  7. I've had a experience when i was a child with my brother and my cousin were we played mirror games and we summoned  some kind of demon with fur and it was holding some kind of spear or sickle in its hands and then we hauled *** out of the restroom till this day we can recount all of our stories the same I'm 32 now and i still scares the h**l out of me bad luck has befallen our family ever since like early deaths and tragedies

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