
Bella and Edward question!!?

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Why does everyone think they have turned into s*x crazed maniacs!? Please explain this to me!? Or give me your opinion if you do or do not think they are like s*x addicts!? Personally, I do not get it at all. When you first get married everyone has s*x. I just don't think it is that weird that they like "doing it", most everyone does! Your opinions please!?




  1. They do become s*x crazed maniacs! we know because they have s*x almost every night once bella is a vampire!!!

  2. Bella and Edward always wanted to have s*x.  There's no way in denying that with the leg hitching and all.  If they would've been married in Twilight they would've been having as much s*x as they had in Breaking Dawn.  The only reason there wasn't s*x in them is because they weren't married.  Smeyer is mormon so she made sure not to have any pre-marital s*x.

  3. A great majority of the readers are either just jealous that Bella has their 'husband/s*x god/boyfriend' and they don't, or they are just too young for that kind of thing in a book.  

  4. I don't think that at all! And Edward and Bella could never get really close before because it was too "dangerous". But Edward promised Bella that they could do it after they got married. And I totally agree with you.. everybody has s*x after they get married (maybe even before).

    Part of the storyline of the book is Edward and Bella craving each other... it's no big deal.

  5. Immature lil girls - yes mostly girls.

    when you get married thats the first thing you do when you go to your honey moon, i mean what else did u expect?. specially when you been wanting to be together for so long.

    lets face it. we all go through that. its called HORMONES!

  6. Um. They aren't really.

    Don't all married couples have s*x?

    And, since Edward is so drop dead gorgeous wouldn't you expect Bella to have feelings for him like that?

    The people who think that are just immature. Even though I'm 13 myself, some younger people think that.

  7. They are just immature and can't handle the content.

  8. I dont think they turned into s*x addicts ! I mean I think they have always wanted to do it in the previous books and in the fourth book all the sexual frustration they had came out.

  9. i think the books sort of implied that vampire s*x or s*x with a vampire is really good. emmett was talking about how much he and rosalie did it when they got married.

    maybe they just wanted to show their love for each other in a, ahem, physical way.  

  10. I didn't think they were s*x-crazed maniacs (good word use, i use it too!), I mean when Bella was human, they were far from it and only did it 3 times(not that i counted....), Edward being the cautious one (why am I covered in feathers?lol), but then Nessie came along. But when Bella was a vampire, Edward did not have to be the cautious one, Bella, being a newborn, had to be careful of not hurting him(lol).

    Sure they did do it a lot, but I could understand (though i've never been in that situation), Edward could finally be himself and so could Bella, in a sense, it was just their nature. Like Edward said, it's a craving that wears off after a few years (ten for rosalie and emmett, LOL) but then they kinda have other cravings, like to blend in and try new things. s*x is like the universal link to all people, wow I'm getting too into this question... But, well, vampire s*x is probably better than human s*x, no breaks, no need to stop, just going...and going... and going.... but that's understandable, they're vampires. And plus it's an act of love to the one you absolutely cannot live without, it's like making two people one.

    No, I didn't find it weird at all, I mean I raised my eyebrows the first time when it was implied, but after that I was just like "eh, that's them."  

  11. They're NEWYLWEDS who never sleep.Newlyweds kind of have one thing on their mind. Especially ones who don't have to now worry about one getting killed or pregnant. I mean come one what else is there to do forever at night while people are asleep? They can't exactly go play a game of their baseball at 2 in the morning, so they just keep themselves entertained lol.They never ever die unless killed obviously they are frequently going to.They aren't s*x-crazed maniacs.

  12. they get married.....and have s*x.

    thank you, thank you very much, :o

    also, u answer my question, the one where i said does he tell bella he loves her, and u said on page 366, the chapter the game, its not :( did u get the number wrong? :D thankssss!!!


    -twilight is amazinggg. :P

  13. yeah i think people think that because they are now both vampires and can do it forever. People might think they are addicts because they do it all night without stopping  

  14. well some parts are a little weird but i mean if u read other books its not that bad at all and at least they're married i mean most married people do have it.  

  15. i agree they are immature yeah its life its a book if you really like it that would not matter to you at all

  16. I think a lot of it has to do with people not liking change.  Part of the charm of the first three is that Stephenie Meyer wrote the sexual tension--but ended it there, because they were not married (kudos for Stephenie for not falling prey to the editors who asked her for a pre-marital s*x scene).

    Then, when they get married, she didn't have to write the sexual tension as much, because they actually just got to have s*x.  Does this make the feel different--yes.  Does it make it worse--no.  Does it make them "s*x-crazed maniacs"--no.  It makes them (well, I was going to say human....but that won't work!!), newlyweds!

    I got married 2 1/2 months ago...s*x happens.  It is part of life.  Eventually the people who are saying negative things about this will grow up and realize that Stephenie was just telling it how it is (with some fun vampire embellishments, of course).

  17. I don't really know either. Some parts in the 4th book were a bit TMI

  18. i don't know maybe its b/c they wont get pregnant or something i don't know

  19. I think it's just because they just got married and that they don't have to be as careful anymore because Bella's a vampire now.

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