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is belladona still used as making our pupils of the eye bigger?

i heard that it was used by european women who

wanted to become beautiful.

is it possible to get it somehow?




  1. Isn't Belladonna also known as deadly night shade?

    Yeah, it's super poisonous.

    If you just touch it, its oils gets into your skin pores and you get poisoned.

    Eat enough berries and you drop dead.

    Don't touch that stuff.

    EDIT: You're right though. It dilates your eyes. When you go to the optometrist, they'll put eyedrops in your eyes to make your pupils bigger. However, and I'm speaking from experience, it makes you dizzy and your vision gets super blurry.

    So I guess that's where you get it, but I recommend you don't.

  2. Dilated pupils do not make a woman beautiful, it merely shows that a woman is interested in or attracted to what she sees or she is sitting in dim lighting as the pupil must expand to take in more light.

    This applies to men as well.

    If you want those "bedroom eyes" then carefully applied make-up can help such as mascara, eyeshadow and eyeliner.

  3. You can get Belladonna in small doses at some health food stores that stock homeopathic remedies.  I have ordered it on the Internet, and in Holland you can buy the plant.  It is also great for calming your intestines if you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  It is part of an old medicine, Donatal.  Women have used if to dilate the pupils, because the pupils dilate at the time of o****m for women, so, subconsciously, men see women as being sexier if they look like they just had an o****m.  Obviously, the plant is poisonous, especially the roots, so you have to know what you are doing.  If a pet chews on the leaves, they will die.

  4. Belladona is a poison, but it was the only thing that can calm my intestinal spasm and keep me from cramping so bad, dont take it lightly, an OD is very easy on this, and no government healthcare program will pay for it, so what does that tell you?

  5. One of my favorites. Does it all. Solid head game, good skin. The jet black ends & roots puts it over the top for me.

  6. ummm ok if you really want this look it would be safer to just get some colored contacts.  They make red ones, and cat eyes...someone must have big black pupils.
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