
Belly button infection?

by  |  earlier

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Slightly embarrassing, but here goes. I'm a overweight, and my belly button sweats quite a lot. A few days ago it itched so I washed it with a cloth. The next day it itched again so I actually checked it. It's inflamed and has a strange discharge. Should I just keep it clean or consult professional advice? I've never had this problem before! And note this is inside my belly button.




  1. Don't be embarrassed,  it can happen to non-overweight people esp if they have a deep naval as well wear certain clothes that don't breath etc...but keep it clean and dry and wash it gently while its irritated.

    BUT   If there is actual drainage of purulent matter (pus) from deeper than just surface oozing do NOT squeeze and try to express it because you can make the surrounding area worse.  If the skin is firm around it where it use to be soft and supple and it is warm to the touch and red then it is inflamed and likely infected. You will need to see someone to get an antibiotic and maybe even drainage.

  2. i had the sameee problem lol

    umm..well my bestiee sean had his bellybutton pierced haha hes not g*y lol and umm he told me to just squeeze the puss out of it, and then just put a big bandaid over it during the day/night cause it would leak a little, and it healed in like a week or so, at first its kinda nasty, but you get used to it; you have to haha

    hope it helped, good luck!

  3. you Have a yeast infection in your belly button all you need to do is keep it dry and clean. after a couple days it will dry up... you should put a little baby powder in there after you shower it will help trust me I am a little overweight and the same thing happens  

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