
Belly button piercing?? can she pray or fast with it?

by  |  earlier

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I know it is not good but my sister refuses to take it out...can she pray or fast with it thou?? or does she have to take it out??

again she refuses to take it out foreva!! I dont really blame her since so many muslim girls have lip, eyebrow, body piercings where we live!! she is my sister and i love her but she is sooo stubborn lol




  1. Piercings other than the ears and nose are haram, but this shouldn't stop her from fasting and praying. Yes it's a wrong andshe may be punished for that seperatley, but Ramadan is a good deed and i'm sure many good deeds come along with it. She will be rewarded for them seperatly too.

  2. yes u can pray and fast with a belly button piercing  

  3. there is nothing wrong with piercings. any objection anyone has, i can easily refute.

    she can pray, she can fast.

  4. Salam alaikum ,Of course your sister can pray fast and pray with piercing ion belly. There is no objection. If her body is fully cover during praying and when she is in presense of men there is no problem. She must not walk with uncover belly.

  5. Actually what is button piercing ?

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