
Belly button piercing??

by  |  earlier

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no lecture about not doing it, cause I already got a yes from my mom, and its what I want.

anyways I was told by a friend that when you get it doe that they ask if you its close to your period...?

why do they do this? and could you still get it done if your acually on your period at that moment?





  1. Your menses has nothing to do with it.  What is more important is to sit down or bend over and see where your naval is in relation to your belly creases.  If it is NOT in a crease - good.  If you crease at your naval, you are at an increased risk for constant infections.  Also - I have seen hundreds of these over the years in my line of work - just be warned THEY ALL SCAR.  Every one.  I am not against it - just letting you know!

  2. Really??.. hmm is that something new they ask?  I don't remember them asking me that question.. but i can't wait to see what people say.. interesting question.

  3. i think they only ask if you are getting a piercing down there...

  4. cuz you have a higher pain tolerance around then..Thats what i heard cuz of your cramps and stuff.

  5. that is totally not true, that would be majorly awkward, especially if it was a male piercer.  i got mine done and they didn't ask any questions like that.

  6. Your friend is wrong, lol. Your period has nothing to do with getting a piercing. I got mine done in March & I love it! It hurts for a good 3 days, but the actual piercing process itself goes by so quickly. If they tell you to clean it out with alchol, DON'T. It dries the area out. Use bactine & salt water. Also, if it gets infected, keep it in & THEN use alchol. If you take it out with an infection, it'll heal over it leaving a nasty scar. I know you'll be excited to change it, but don't. Wait a month, it'll be tender still on the inside & end up taking you longer to put a new ring in & it'll close. Sorry I rambled so much, I'm just excited for you :).

  7. They didn't ask me that, that seems a little personal for someone in a tattoo/piercing shop to ask.

  8. They aren't supposed to ask that because it really doesn't matter

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