
Belly fat troubles....?

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I've had two c-sections and no matter how much cardio I do I just cannot get rid if the pooch on my lower abdomen. How in the world are you supposed to get abs when you can't lose that pooch? I wondered if scar tissue had anything to do with it, but I've seen lots of women that had a c-section get flat abs....What's the trick?




  1. Im having the same problem I need help with this area as well.  

  2. Ok heres the thing. I have weighed 100 pounds from the age of 18-24. When I turned 25 I started gaining weight like crazy and now I am at 134. It is all around my belly, waist and hips and nowhere else. I have Endometriosis, (which is scar tissue.)No matter what I do I can not lose this weight, I will lose it shortly, but it al;ways comes back. It is most likely water and scar tissue weight gain, and the only way to really get rid of it for good is through surgery. A hysterectomy may not be what you want, but maybe birth control pills will help you. Does it hurt in those areas where you have gained weight? If so it is probably scar tissue, or you could just have IBS. With IBS you will gain weight in your stomach and look very bloated on some days and not so bloated on others.Start by doing scrunches every day (at least 150) and if it doesnt help, then go see your doctor because it could be IBS.

  3. Good genes. Seriously.  

  4. Its called a "Tummy Tuck"

  5. first try to do lots of abs 300 -500 daily, walk or run at lest 1km daily that's about 15 minutes , don't eat carbs just the minimum, good carbs,

    no sugar . If this doesn't work go for tummy tuck, after having babies the skin stretch so much that impossible to get it back where it belongs

  6. lots of pilates!!!

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