
Belly is too small in the 8 month of pregnancy?

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My belly is still so small .I have just entered 8 month and gained total of 10lbs.

My doctor has ordered ultrasound but before that i just need to ask if anyone faced the same situation?

I am feeling the kicks regularly.





  1. I am also 8 months and have gained 13lbs. If you are feeling your baby move around and kick then more than likely everything os ok. Consider yourself lucky, with my first I gained like 40lbs. Good luck

  2. Your prob. gaining nothing but baby and uterus weight. Everyone gains differernt my docs said I should have been eatingmore. I only eat 3 meals a day and barley have a snack they wanted me to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks I gained 25 lbs by week 26 and I eat enough to not be hungry. in the middle I had to break my meals up cause the baby pushed on my tummy and would not let room for me to eat. I had to wait for my tummy to grow out rather then up. At first we all thought I was having a girl but it took to my 6 month for my tummy to drop. GL  

  3. yep mine is tiny for being 8 months to. I always measure a week smaller when they do the fundal height measurement. I was concerned to but my doctor said everything is fine and that everyone carries differently. Im in my 32nd week. When ever I tell people im in my 8th month they look at me like im nuts. Im also a smaller build. I am 5'1 and was 98lbs before pregnancy. Now Im 117

  4. 10 lbs!?...

    good luck with your ultrasound...

    It reminds me of the Kenadie story. Google her.

  5. I am only in my 6th month, I wouldnt worry too much, the doctor is just checking to make sure everything is good with baby

  6. I've known a couple of women who had fairly small bellies right up until their babies were born and they were fine.  You probably just have strong abdominal muscles.  One girl, in particular, was nine months and still wearing her normal clothes!  She had a beautiful, healthy, little girl.

  7. you kinda sound like me, only farther along, i'm 26 weeks and i've gained about 4 pounds, i still fit into all of my pre-pregnancy clothes. i'm starting to worry a bit about it as well. i hope everything is well for both of us and our babies!

  8. I only gained about 18 pounds with both my pregnancies. At 8 months everyone could definitely tell I was pregnant, but it was a different story for my neighbor, you could hardly tell until the last month or two. I wouldn't worry too much about it, especially if you are feeling he/she move and kick all the time.  

  9. depends on if you were over weight to begin with, if your a heavy girl you dont need to gain much weight and you might not show as good as a thin girl would, i have read that your weight dont have a whole lot to do with how the baby is gaining weight.

  10. your probably caring the baby in your back and 10lbs...lucky you. try not to worry.

  11. I dont know about this one, I think you are fibbing because thats impossible to only have gained 10lbs

    IMPOSSIBLE! : The baby is 6-9 lbs ALONE and then you have the amniotic fluid breast tissue uterine gain fat storage

    YES, you are FIBBING

  12. You still have a few more weeks to gain a few more pounds. My sister gained 16 lbs and her daughter was a 7 lb baby!! Everyone is different...

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