
Belly molly babies (fry) question?

by  |  earlier

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I purchased three belly molly from petsmart not even a week ago. One of them looked rather large but since they all have big bellies I thought nothing of it. Today i looked up at my aquarium and saw a small little fish darting around with black eyes. I quickly scooped him and the assumed mother out of the tank. She ended up having around 18 fry.

I wasnt' prepared for this so after the mother was done, I placed her back into my ten gallon tank and all the fry in a smalll 2 gallon tank since it's the only thing I had on hand.

my question is, how long does it take for them them be 'grown up' so to speak, or begin to look like belly mollie's. :)

and if anyone has any tips for me, considering i'v never raised fish, please help! im really new at this.

thanks in advance!




  1. they are going to die

  2. Unless you have room for 18 more balloon belly mollies then you might as well leave them in the tank.  The survival rate is about the same.  A 2 gallon tank will get dirty very quickly and require constant cleaning.  If 25% of a batch of fry survive to adulthood it's good even if you separate them.  I never take fry out of the tank and am constantly having to give them away.


  3. i dont know how long it takes for them to be full grown, but dontttttt put them back in untill there bigger then the adult mollies mouth!!! or they'll be eaten :0

  4. well 3 weeks i have mollies and guppies and bettas and swordtails and tetras 8 different kind and zebras and more i breed them hope i helped bye

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