
Belly pouch on a skinny person?

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I'm 5'1" and weight about 100 pounds. I don't regulate my eating habits or exercise at all, I've always had a slender frame. But my lower tummy....

Thing is I have a pouch now, genetically I can not have a truly FLAT stomach, but I know that it is excess fat that I can get rid of.

To go about loosing weight, would my tactics be different for me (as a skinny person) as opposed to loosing weight for a heavy person?

Like, what life long eating and exercise habits should I start...?




  1. Your weight loss methods don't need to be different then any one else's.  Just work out and eat right and things should balance themselves out.  But lower belly fat is neccessary for female reproduction

  2. Losing weight is losing fat.   You should start with your diet.  Modify it.  Find a diet plan that is something reasonable, realistic, and most of all something that you can stick with.  Eating is the way

    You will also need to exercise to burn fat and build muscle which also burns fat. has great program that can help.  

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