
Bellydancing question?????????

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im trying to lose weight in my midsection i have a muffon top and its sooo annoying, but with having a 2 year old its hard to find the time to exercise but i started bellydancing a few weeks ago and i know you dont really work your cardio in it but will moving my hips and belly help me lose my muffin top and give me a more womanly bellydancing figure and how long will it take? i do 1 class a week for an hour and half




  1. oh  the muffin top , is hard to get rid of , its a result from the pregnancy you probly need more classes per week at least 3

  2. One class a week helps more than doing nothing at all, but to see some real results and have them more quickly, you should practice at least 1-2 more times during the week.  

    I know how difficult it can be to workout with a toddler around. (my kids are now 18 & 20)  Mutchkin is right, get your 2-year old involved.  They will love the interaction with their mom.  Most kids love dancing to music.  Even just a few minutes here and there will help.  Most belly dancers that I know incorporate some pilates and/or yoga into their workouts.  Kids love to imitate their parents, so they would likely love to "help" mom.  

    A few ideas that might help some

  3. 1X a week for 1hr 1/2 is not "long enough" to see any results.

    What a good thing to do is to re-advise your eating habits. Try to out or cut down of a lot of extra junk like soda's, sugars etc.  

    The calories you intake, you also need to burn plus some.

    With belly dancing, you can get your two year old involved by doing some form of physical activity with you. My past instructor would have her 3 year old daughter do it with her. Her 4.5 year old son would learn jump rope and be outside with their dad with basketball. After a few months, her daughter would do very well with mimicking what her mom did. Her daughter is now 6 and wow, she is doing extremely well in belly dancing. Part of a youth group. The son got some one on one dad time. Each day, they set aside 1 hour of "physical activity" time.  Maybe you can get a routine going.

    You also need do it more than just 1X a week to build muscle and coordination. Practice at least 1 hour a day with other activities. With a 2 year old, you should be very active through out the day to keep up.

    Inbetween, do some crunches, leg lifts and even gym membership where your two year old can be in the child's room while you work out. 24/hour fitness has one. The one I mainly went to has a room where classes and individual time can be spent doing activities. That is where I did all my jump roping and dancing in. I brung a small stereo for my cd for music.

    While you are eating, you can work on upper and lower coordination by moving your chest up/down, side side etc. I know sounds silly, but my instructor was right about finding those little moments to practice. I felt it helped me greatly.

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