
Ben Cousins Father/Son?

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Assuming Geelong want him, would Ben Cousins be able to be picked up by Geelong under the Father/Son Rule?

If he was picked up would he be able to go on the Veterans List?

I don't know what came of that, but if those changes happened the answer would probably be yes, meaning only half of his salary is included in the club salary cap.




  1. Bennie boy is done and dusted. He was at his best when he was at the eagles!

  2. I read Geelong would consider him, also read that Geelong doesn't want anything to do with him.

    Smashitup, good question on father/son, but does it apply beyond the original draft? My best memory was that Bryan Cousins didn't play enough Geelong games, 67. So Ben qualified under father/son with Perth, therefore to WCE.

    From wikipedia,

    The current Father-Son Rule allows clubs nominate to select an eligible player instead of using the allocated third round pick in the National Draft. Subsequent selections are made in place of a second, first and fourth round choices respectively.

  3. I don't understand the farther/son rule. Too complicated for me.

    Anyway I think Geelong would be the last team that would want to pick Cousins up. He is nothing but on-going trouble.

    While on the subject of Geelong now a one horse town? Bryan Cousins is training pacers at the trots in Perth & Mark Bairstow is training gallopers in WA. He had a horse win a race easily yesterday & then it dropped dead soon after.  Did he misjudge how much elephant juice to put in the syringe?

  4. i think if his dad played 100 games for geelong then he could be picked up by them but i dont think they would since they already hav ablett bartell corey ling selwood and kelly!!!!!!!!!! who r all really good midfielders

  5. **No No NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    As a Geelong supporter I would be so shattered if he came to our club, he wouldn't be anything more than trouble.  In all honesty though, I don't think that we need him, we've got such a good side at the moment that I think the younger players would really have their nose out of joint if he came in and was put into the senior line up.

    He probably would be able to go on the Verterans List, but I can't understand why anyone would want him anyway.  In a couple of years at best he'd be finished and I dojn't see the point.**

  6. I don't think Geelong need him! He'll just take up space on their salary cap, prevent them from playing younger players, and place an off field burden onto the tea,

    I think he would be able to go on the veterans list if he did go there though.

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