
Ben Cousins is a scapegoat for the underworld drug gangs!?

by  |  earlier

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I don't care what anybody says, I still think there is a lot more to this story.

These people that he has got himself mixed up with are using him for a distraction while they get on with the real business of drug dealing.

Keeps the police busy chasing Ben all over the country!

Keeps them off their back!!

They probably tipped off the cops about Ben in the first place.

Low Life Scum!




  1. I've just been watching the first season of 24 and what you've said makes perfect sense.I'm trying to guess what will happen next and I think Cousins will turn out to be undercover and his football is just a way of getting in to these gangs. Demetriou is an underworld figure who didn't know about Cousins and Plugger is the head of ASIO.

  2. Fair call Captn Jack, you have a valid point. It makes sense and you could be spot on with what you wrote. We will see oneday.

  3. ha ha

    i think you should have put this in jokes and riddles

  4. I AGREE !!! When do we hear of him or anyone actually dealing in drugs get prosecuted !!!....yeah........never....they get away free.....!!!.get the dealers named and prosecuted I say !!!

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