
Ben Cousins missed his flight to Rehab!!???

by  |  earlier

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Honestly, does the guy just do it for the publicity or is he just that drugged out??




  1. Poor guy, Geez  ya have to feel for him in away  , and after all he is The way Mr Costa was yabbering  yesterday, about the possibility  of him joining the Swans, how do  we know,....  Roosy may  just  have  him there on ICE for a coupla nights !

  2. Did he really?

    Probably couldn't get past all the bloody media!!

  3. Look I have to be nice to him now don't I, if Dubya's right!?  So I'll just keep it to ... "wtf" and "I guess the odds are blowing out".

    I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for the moment.  Connecting flights can be a (that female dog word that Yahoo blots out) to catch.

  4. Oh did he?????  hehehe

    Poor guy,this is all he needs .lol

  5. No, he was probobly finishing a deal with his best mate at the airport (if u know what I mean!!!)

  6. He is probably staying on to go to Andrew Johns wedding tomorrow.

  7. he is that drugged out

    you watch all the fans who  still want to give him 1 more chance

    when he hits the news again and he will, they will say he is a disgrace and a few weeks later again they will give him another chance

    bla bla bla bla

  8. I know Ben Cousins isn't the ideal role model at the moment,but at least he is facing up to his addiction and trying to get help unlike some out there!He may have had a few things on his mind and accidentally missed his flight or something similar!Don't really think he would be looking for any more bad publicity at the moment!

  9. Oh yes...and Im sure he's the only one in the world who has missed a plane, or the only one to make a mistake or the only one to be on drugs.

    Who really cares. Now this is past footy and getting into his personal business. Jus leave him alone unless you know what is really going on.

  10. That guy is a chicken

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