
Ben Franklin thought the DUCK should be our national bird instead of the Eagle

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Most people would vote for the Duck, what about you?




  1. He preferred the wild turkey (not the whiskey either) over the eagle.

  2. You are incorrect in your statement. Benjamin Franklin thought that the Turkey should be our national bird - not the duck. You are also incorrect in your assumption that most people would vote the duck.

    Where in the name of common sense are you getting your information from?

  3. Actually he thought it should be the wild turkey.

  4. I thought he preferred the turkey

  5. its turkey roflcopter

  6. turkey idiot you know gobble gobble  

  7. I think you are in ERROR!

    It was Originally A TURKEY !!

  8. I don't believe it was a duck, it was a turkey for how smart they were.

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