
Benadryl and melatonin?

by  |  earlier

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ok i have to go to work in the morning but like an idiot i drank three cups of coffee about thirty minutes ago. my question is would it be safe to take 3 mg melatonin and 2 benadryls to help my get to sleep? i have never taken them together though. i am 115 lbs if this helps




  1. take one or the other not both... melatonin would probably not work against the coffee... take the benadryle with a cup of milk

  2. They wont hurt you to take together, but you will be groggy and miserable tomorrow. 3 mg og Melatonin is very strong, you'll need to get 8 full hours of sleep to feel okay in the morning. If that's not going to happen, then I would take a Benadryl, they wear off faster.

  3. There aren't any drug interactions between the two.

    Maybe try taking one Benadryl first and then if you still haven't fallen asleep after an hour or two take another.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

    Good Luck!

  4. i take benadryl all the time.  i've never taken it with melatonin.  (honestly dont know what that is).  benadryl alone will knock your *** out cold.  take about 3 of them.  benadryl is a anihistamine blocker and it dries you out so you get really really drowsy.  it also gives you the munchies.

  5. Jeeeez, so you're gonna have the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems warring. How well will you work in the morn ?  (I take melatonin a lot but not to neutralize caffeine.) Its a dilemma but I'd sure not mix in Benadryl.

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