
Benazir Bhutto, Doesn't the fanatical attack on her return prove she was framed?

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This radical Islamic dinasour regime hates the fact that an intelligent woman US educated, chosen over her brothers to rule (male Muslims are rolling!!)is back in their faces!!! May she cause the women of this oppressive fanatisism to rebel and throw off the Birkas and subserviant attitude and turn the nation of Islam on it's head! Whoa what would they do with actual intellectual women refusing to let them continue to raise a nation of illiterates who cannot challange the wisdom, or lack there of, of their government!! Do you think they are afraid?? Does a woman ingender so much fear and reactionary terroisim, hmmmm? imagine a WOMAN has caused this upheaval!Do you think the Muslim reign of tyranny is only for US and other nations they call devils? Or do you see that they rule their people with restrictions and fear, repression a gag in the mouths of any who would speak or perhaps a bomb? Do you think these people, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afganistan will turn on their own rulers Finally?




  1. No, the "fanatical attack on her" doesn't prove she was framed. Whether she framed, utterly despise or really did pull that c**p she would not be welcomed.

    The "fanatical attack" would be happening regardless of what really happened in the past. So it doesn't prove anything.

    I'm not disagreeing with your premise. Just saying that this isn't proof either way.

  2. Seems to me that the only thing it proves is that she has enemies.

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