
Benefit! advice please! ?

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I am on incapacity benefit. For genuine reasons. I am clinically depressed and have underactive thyroid with hashimotos syndrome that makes me very tired.

I was called in to the benefit office the other day as someone had reported me for benefit fraud?!? Im dumbfounded! apparently in Feb someone reported me as dancing at a strip club! I havent been! but I did go to the particular club with a friend who did an audition.

The person actually called the benefit fraud hotline! Im really upset as I didnt think I had any enemies! luckily the man that owns this club told them I didnt work there and he doesnt know me! which he doesnt!

So they called me in last Thurs to go over it and I signed a statement to say it wasnt true and now apparently they have closed the file on this!?

I really dont understand! does this mean I am in trouble or they are following me? xx




  1. When you close a file it means that you are not working on it anymore.  So it should mean that the incident is closed and you are all right.  I seriously doubt they are following you.  They would have to follow too many people.  They just need to be sure that you were not violating your benefit conditions.  But I understand your anxiety.

    The file remains in your record, though.  

  2. does it matter? if your not doing anything wrong, you wont get into trouble.

  3. If you are genuine you have nothing to fear , if you are not i hope they catch you and make you pay back all that you have received

  4. if they say they've closed the file it means they believe you and nothing else will happen.

  5. if its case closed then that should be the end of it but you might want to watch what you are doing for a good 6 months or more in case they see you doing something that they might find fraudulent.

  6. Sounds a bit like Big Brother is watching you. What on earth is this country coming too.  

  7. If you've been interviewed and they have closed the file, then they are happy with their findings and no longer suspect any fraud has taken place. Case closed.

    Dont loose any more sleep over this, you are not in any trouble.

    Some people need to learn to mind their own buisness thats all.

  8. The checked up and found there was no problem. Let it drop. They have every right to check.

  9. Dont worry,they have to check and have done.There are a minority of people out there that just cant help but make trouble for the rest of us!In my experience they are usually jealous.Keep your chin up and dont give it another thought.

  10. They probably have closed the case on this. Too busy to chase mirages, But be really caeful that you don't break any rules. Sounds to me like someone close enough to know what you do is out to get you.

    Think about someone you may have upset recently and if you suspect someone set a trap. Tell them some outlandish story - you're running your own homebased internet s*x line and making  a killing!

    When that is the story that you hear from the Benefits lady then there is your culprit.

    Mind you make sure you have some way of proving to the benefit people that it was a prank!

  11. This is obviously a malicious accusation from someone who is trying to hurt you.  I wouldn't worry too much about it - you have evidence from your doctor of your illness, there would be no witnesses to the supposed "dancing", the club owner says he has never seen you before and its just the accuser's word against yours.

    If they say they have closed the file then that is that.  They will not be taking any further action.  Just forget about it and try not to worry too much.

  12. Nope. I means that they are required to investigate any tips or

    complaints. The fact that it took them from Feb until now to do anything about the tip shows that it is a very low priority. They are

    not following you. The trouble with a disability that no one can see

    (ie depression, internal problems like underactive thyroid) is that

    people who are nasty minded think well there is nothing wrong with them I will report them. If you were in wheelchair or something nothing would be said. Just ignore it. There are a lot of nasty people in the

    world who have nothing to do but spy on their neighbours.

  13. i dont think your in trouble.........but i dont get why people would grass you up....especialy when they havent got their facts straight....there really is some very sad people around......hope evrything works out ok for you

  14. A closed case means the allegations were unfounded. The person for whom you were supposedly working verified that not only don't you work there, but he has no idea who you even are. You also signed a statement stating that you were not working at this club.

    Anytime an allegation is made, there will be an investigation, because there are people who fraudulently file for and receive benefits.

    However in your case, it sounds like the investigator has found the allegations against you have no merit and closed the investigation file. It does not sound like you are in trouble.

  15. I would be a little careful in the near future as in my experience they are likely to have a "watching brief" I don't mean totally not have a social life but be careful what you do and where you go. I would be more interested in who the mean spirited S>O>B was that reported you. You do have a couple of facts 1. That person was either there or more likely, knew you had gone with your friend and so i would ask your friend who she had spoken to recently about the visit to the club. 2. My guess is that the person is female and known to you.

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