
Benefits??? Am I able to claim??

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I gave up my job as a manager two months ago, as I found it to stressfull. I have never claimed before. I live on my own and rent a private house. I am now running out of money to pay for it all. Can they help to pay some money towards my rent etc. I am looking for a job and have joined some online job sites... but no job yet.

Any idea's

Thank you




  1. a bit of tough luck you are having then, normal people look for another job before leaving the one they are in why should us workers who hate there jobs but have common sense keep you

  2. Yes you can make claims and get help with your finances

    Firstly you have to decide are you fit enough to work? If you are not fit to work then get your GP to sign you as sick and claim Incapacity Benefit and Income support. (why you left your job is irrelevant for these benefits)

    If you are fit to work then put in a claim for Job seekers Allowance. The jobcentre will want to know why you quit your job and if they find you didn't have 'good cause' they can sanction you FOR UP TO 26 weeks, it doesn't have to be 26 weeks, and indeed in your case it wont be as you have in effect had a self imposed sanction by not claiming.

    Good cause - you have to demonstrate that you had good reason and had tried to rectify the situation - basically you discussed the situation with the employer but things didn't change, you had seen your GP who advised you find ways to lower your stress, you had registered with agencies and had looked for alternative employment while working but despite your efforts it got too much.

    If they accept goodcause then you get full JSA, if they don't your are sanctioned for a set period of time (up to 26 weeks, but it wont be this long). While you are on a sanction you are paid Hardship Allowance which is JSA less 20%.

    Following both the Incapacity or JSA route will also mean you can claim Housing Benefit and Council tax benefit, leaving yoyr job has nothing to do with them, so put in your claim straight away.

    If your GP would sign you off sick it may be worth claiming Incapacity/Income support. Even if just for a couple of months, if your GP wont sign you off any longer than a couple of months you would then register for JSA after ICB/IS  and you are very unlikely to be sanctioned as you have moved from a sickness benefit to JSA and the calim to sickness demonstartes goodcause in itself.

    Do not call the benefits enquiry line. ever. about anything. ever. If you neded advice see your local CAB. If you are sanctioned appeal it (regardless of lenght) and contact CAB to represent you as it may get reduced on appeal.

    You are unlikely to receive your full rent liability as housing benefit rarely covers all of a private tenancy cost, but you will get a substantial proportion. This is nothing to do with leaving yor job, it is usual for private lets to be above the maximum the council will pay. You will get full council tax benefit

    This is assuming you are single, no kids and no signifiacnt savings or income from other sources

    Ignore the smug self satisfied answers who comapre everyone to themself and have never experienced stress or hardship

  3. my job is also very stressful, but i will never gave up mine until i find another job......

    so we have to pay for you cos you're stressed at work.....

    tell you what....we all do.......

  4. you gave up your job voluntarily so it will take i think 26 weeks to claim any support.

  5. Call the Benefits Enquiry Line and explain they will tell you what you are entitled to: 0800 88 22 00

  6. Oh dear.  Unfortunately because you 'gave up' your job, this amounts to making yourself unemployed.

    Did you sign on at your local JobCentre Plus?

    If you have not already done so, you should go there tomorrow and register with them.

    They will be able to advise you about benefits to which you might be entitled - you'll need to get sorted with your rent and very soon - that might mean claiming housing benefit.

    Help with your rent – Housing Benefit - You must be living in the UK to claim Housing Benefit. If you are from overseas or have recently come to live in the UK you may have difficulty claiming the ...

    Benefits and financial support : Directgov - Money, tax and benefits - Please note that this website has a UK government accesskeys system. ... Appeal against a benefit decision (leaflet GL24) · Apply for Housing Benefit or ...

    Start Calculation - People across the UK are missing out on benefits and tax credits worth more than £8 ... The calculator is using 2008/09 benefit and tax credit rates. ...  

    Take my advice and go and see your doctor now - if you left your last job due to stress - your situation could be far worse than you think.  You might even be entitled to some sort of benefit which helps you sort things out while you are off work.

    Do not try to go it alone.  There is masses of help out there.

    Check your local Thompsons Dirctory for council services where you live - you'll be amazed at the number folk there to help you with stress or anything else which is making you unfit for work.

    Go to the website below and sign up [register] with them and start looking for work via their website right away. . . .millions of jobs all over the UK and in your area too. . . .good luck.

    Jobcentre Plus Provides help and advice on jobs and training for people who can work and financial help for those who cannot. Site offers information on job hunting and ... -

    You can also just walk into your own local JobCentre Plus and start pressing the job search screens.

    Retired Worker. . . . .Old Soldier. . . .Financial Misfit. . . .paid the mortgage. . . .skint!

  7. You will be able to make a claim for housing benefit, council tax benefit and contribution based job-seekers allowance, This is based on the national insurance contributions you have paid.  If however you have not paid enough contributions you can claim means tested job-seekers allowance.

    If you left your job on the grounds of ill-health you can make a claim for incapacity benefit.  You would need to obtain a sick note from your GP and  submit this with your claim.

    Go and see your local CAB who will be able to assist you further.

  8. Hi I work for housing benefits, you shoud put a claim in for housing and council tax benefit, if you have been working and paying your rent for the past 52 weeks you will get your full rent paid for 13 weeks, then it will fall to the same level and the local housing allowance rate for your area.  If you can get a letter confirming stress from your doctor, you can ask for the benefits to be backdated to the date you left your job, you can apply for backdating of up to 52 weeks from the date you made your claim.

    You may have a problem when it comes to claiming JSA as you left your job of your own accord, if you are still under stress you should probably apply for Incapacity Benefit until you overcome your stress

  9. If you give up work voluntarily you are not able to claim benefits for six months, however if you are able to substantiate the stress (doctors note) you may be able to get a medical exemption.

    Go to a temp agency, they can normally find you something at very short notice.

  10. You should be able to claim housing benefit...because you gave your job up that may complicate receiving other benefits?

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