
Benefits for no longer drinking cow milk?

by Guest56638  |  earlier

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I just realized that I have completely replaced cows milk with soy milk for the last 3 months. I would just like to know if there are any benefits in doing this? Even if there aren't, I'm still sticking to it because I think cow's milk tastes horrible in comparison to soy now!! lol.





  1. From what I know, Soy Milk is supposed to be a lot easier on your digestive track and has less problems than the regular milk. Just like the first answerer said, soy milk has a lot of nutrients in it and regualr milk is really hard on the digestive track.

  2. not drinking puss and blood! congrats!

  3. haha, I pretty much did the same thing- I bought more and more soy milk and less and less cow's milk- until I was no longer consuming dairy milk & dairy produce.

    If you have a balanced diet and relaxed lifestyle, you should be happy & healthy. Soya is the best quality plant protein there is. It supplies all 8 essential amino acids, and fortified soymilks contain calcium for strong bones. Vitamin E is often added to some soy milk brands, which helps protect your immune system. Soya has numerous vitamins and minerals in it. Several studies have suggested that the isoflavones in soy milk have a role to play in heart health. There's the added 'possible' bonus of a better complexion too- dairy used to give me blemishes now and then. I think I'm intolerant to it.

    Enjoy your soy! =)

  4. Plenty! You will be healthier less chance of getting diseases and better chance of preventing them, you will feel a whole lot better and get sick a lot less. Plant milks are easier to digest and has better nutrients than animals milks.

  5. If soy milk was as good and as nutritious as cows' milk, they wouldn't have to call it "milk" to sell it.

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