Young jonny was always last in his class class. He was a totally disruptive pupil always annoying pupils and teachers.
His parents tried everything flash cards, stoppage of pocket money, grounding him, private tutors all to no avail. The turning point came when he scored 0 in a maths exam.
His parents then decided to put him into the local catholic school and after his first day, jonny came home and went straight to his room and started his homework. His mother was amazed and she called him down to dinner but immediately he was finished it was back to studying.
This carried on for several weeks and eventually jonny arrived home with his report card. On opening it, his mother was delighted to see he had scored an A for maths, so she quizzed him asking was it the nuns, no he replied, was it the structure, uniform, teachers what?
Jonny looked at his mum and said none of them but on his first day he saw a guy nailed to the plus sign and knew they weren't messing around.