
Benefits of being a raw vegan?

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I recently became vegan, and im considering becoming a raw vegan.... are there any raw vegans out there with experience?




  1. One thing that gave humans the leg up in the world is the ability to cook food. It gave them more time to explore culture because they were not spending all there time chewing food. Cooking food makes it digestible with out all the chewing but also it gives us a huge repertoire of foods and recipes. It also keeps a level of sterility in our foods as well as provides a way for us to store foods against the off season non availability of products. You will have to do with out a huge number of food products and rely on shipping fresh items to your location. No matter where you live you will have to eat stuff that has been flown in as well as ship shipped in. The price will be high because of all the fuel it takes to ship fresh foods around the globe. Shipped fresh foods are somewhat lower in food value as they metabolize on the way to your market, so flavors and nutrition are not what they should be. So ask yourself if that is what you want and why do you consider it? Will you throw away culture and it's foods to entertain an eating concept whose value is so nebulous? Does your body and your palate agree that you should take this step back? True, people evolved with pure raw foods but they also did not have the enjoyment factor in eating. They choked down what was available or starved and that is a very ugly way to go. It was eat bugs and dirty roots or fill up entirely on berries alone for the one week a year they were around (and then they "drained" seeds everywhere). They lived till the ripe old age of 30, possibly 40 with great luck, long enough to pass on their genes. Cooked food and agriculture gave us well fed brains and the time it took to create civilization and culture. Going back to raw is thowing it all into the wind.

  2. wow a raw foodist that's very respectable

    im only veg

    but good luck

  3. I've been reading up on people who eat at least 80% organic raw food (fruits, nuts, dehydrated or juiced foods, salads, veggies...) and the theory is that when you eat raw it is MUCH easier for your stomach to digest the food. Not only that, but because it isn't cooked and because it's so easy to digest, you end up getting more nutrients than you ever could eating like the typical person does.

    Because of this and the fact that your stomach doesn't have to work hard, many people have reported that various diseases, illnesses, and such have gotten better or healed completely. Scars apparently fade, indigestion/heart burn are no longer a problem, even arthritic pain lessens.

    There are also those who bodybuild pretty successfully on a raw vegan diet. Protein is gotten from plants, fruits, and veggies. As well, eating raw vegan is a great way to lose weight and if you eat properly you will not be defiecient in any vitamins or minerals.

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