
Benefits of dog parks?

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  1. My back yard gets a few hours to recover.  

  2. none.

    it only takes ONE fight for your dog to become dog aggressive.

    you have ZERO control of the health and temperament of the other dogs coming in.

    dogs become too "doggy" in a dog park. they find out after really only a few seconds that playing with the other ill-behaved dogs is more fun than listening to you.

    Other well meaning owners can and do ruin training. They pet when your dog jumps on them, they reinforce bad habits you have worked long and hard on.

    Too many idiots have a "let the dogs work it out" mentality. That is NOT a good idea. *I* will work out my dogs problems.

    It is a hotbed for disease.

    socialization does not mean your dog playing well with others.

    It means your dog can see and walk around and be ok with dogs near by(he doesn't have to play with them, he needs to ignore them). It means ignoring or BEING NEUTRAL to other dogs, strange and loud noises, coats, unbrellas, grass, concrete, rocks, water, stores, cars, etc.

    you can do ALL this far away from the dog park. You can arrange play dates with trusted and well-mannered dogs that you know, if you simply cannot give up the humanizing thought that your dog "needs to play with others".

  3. well i have a pretty big back yard and a dog door so my dogs can run in and out

    but for some reason they LOVE to just bolt out the front door any chance they can and just run away and away till we chase em down and bring em back home

    i mean they love us, were good dog owners but their big dogs and they can get crazy haha

    so my dad brings them to a dog park because its all fenced in so they can just run free in a big new exciting place, and meet other dogs

    but be careful and make sure to keep an eye on them

    because i lost my dog in one once

    and he jumped over a fence and ripped a huge hole in his chest and had to get stiches


  4. the benefits of dog parks are

    1-dog gets to be off leash

    2-you can meet other dog people

    3-dog gets a chance to socialize with their own kind

    4-you don't always have to scoop the p**p (but you should)

  5. cannot think of any we see everything from worms parvo and kennel cough to bite wounds and worse from dog Parks i would never take my dogs to one

  6. To socialize puppies so they are dog friendly when they get older or human friendly to human strangers. Also to get exercise if the owner lives in a city and doesn't have a backyard for the dog to play in.

  7. Both a good thing as well as a bad thing at times.

    Being an instructor in obedience and agility, as well as competing in both hunt and show I would say that dog to dog socialization and human to dog socialization is huge and I do use the dog parks as well for this.

    The down side is that once most folks get their dog through the gates and when they cut them free they have no idea what the other dogs or heck even their handlers know, meaning what will they do if their dog is aggressive. Does their dog have any social skills, will it listen to it`s handler.

    Personally I`ve been on both sides of this type of situation and do take the time to educate some folks but par usual some don`t want to hear it and won`t do anything about it till it`s too late.

    I would say NEVER bring a young pup to a dog park, if anything negative happens you could end up with a social problem that could take a long time to fix.

    Good luck and God bless    
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