
Benefits of downhill skiing?

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I have to do a project on the benefits of sports. What are the physical and social benefit? How does it help develop leadership skills?




  1. physical: you have to use your legs a lot when turning and stopping. its also good for your core

    social: people skiing are usually really nice! they help you up when you fall and will help you get down when youre stuck. also, on the lifts some people are very nice and chatty

    leadership: you have to take charge of yourself and just go down. it gives you confidence, which helps you infront of groups and stuff. also, you might be guiding a friend down or something like that

    good luck on your project!

  2. Physical ; rock hard thighs haha, good core muscles and if you do cross country skiing or anything that uses your arms - arm muscles

    Social; sitting on the lift you get to meet new people, or if you stay in a hut etc etc etc skiing is very social

    Leadership; if you teach other people then you need to know how to lead them, teach them etc

    This year i am doing ski patrolling so that has heaps of benefits like ive mentioned plus leadership in helping people onto the lift and getting hurt people down to the bottom safely.

  3. Leadership skills are developed in lift lines by getting to the front faster than the next guy (excluding North America, where liftlines are ridiculously polite compared to the rest of the universe, and a good thing too)

    It is exercise, so there is physical benefit.

    Social?  God invented snow bunnies for a reason.  But participating in shared actiities always has social benefits.

  4. Melkyfan's answer is great.  Especially the bit about teaching your friends to ski.

    One thing I would add is that skiing of course takes place out in nature, and thus gives a person an appreciation for natural beauty.  Also it takes place at high altitude, and high altitude training is good for your cardiovascular system, provided you don't overdo it.

    This isn't related to your project, but in addition to looking at trees and mountains, I love skiing because I think it's the fastest way for a person to travel, without using an engine.  Maybe bicycling is faster, though, I don't know.

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