
Benefits of massage chair?

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Benefits of massage chair?




  1. Massage chair provides some of the benefits of massage - increased blood circulation, relieve tension, soothes body pain, increases oxygen flow, etc.

  2. Chair Massage is a great way to reap the many benefits of Massage Therapy.  Not only does it feel awesome, it's also a great preventive and healing health measure.  A recent study conducted at 3M Corporation, in cooperation with Karina Garcia and University of Texas Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, shows that chair massage improves one's overall well being, health, and productivity by:

    • Reducing stress

    • Increasing one's quality of sleep

    • Reducing the instances of common cold or flu symptoms

    • Decreasing the number of depressed mood incidences

    • Increasing concentration

    • Decreasing the instances of being overly tired or lacking energy

    • Decreasing the number of headaches

    • Making one feel less nervous or tense

    • Inducing muscular relaxation

    • Enhancing a secure sense of self

    Also, it tends to be more affordable and covienient than table massage.  Plus, you don't have to take off your clothes, which is uncomfortable idea for a lot of people.

  3. The benefits are great for a public setting such as an office or events.. however, it still does not replace having someone on the table.  Even though a lot of MT's have a wonder with ways of the chair.  When I did chair, most of my clients choose the table when given the choice.  With the way I was certified, chair is a much different style to tempo of a massage then table.  So, it would depend on what kind of outcome the majority of clients want.  As for myself; I was also able to do better work when the client was on the table without killing myself.  But, the Chair might be good for you.  Who knows without trying it?

    Also, keep in mind that most people will not pay as much for an hour of Chair Massage then for a Table Massage.

    Cheers. ;)

  4. While I agree with the benefits of chair massage previously listed by others on this question, as a massage therapist of several years, I have never been able to completely appreciate chair massage. After being trained in it, and practicing it, I have come to the conclusion that while compressing the spine as you're sitting in the chair, your body will not fully relax, and you will not get the full benefits you could otherwise get on a table. My conclusion? If you are unable to get regular table or floor massage, then get SOME massage, even if it's chair massage. If you have to choose between table and chair...? My choice would be table, hands down!

  5. What are you talking about?  A massage done by a human with someone sitting in a chair or an electric massage type of chair?

    An electric type of chair can help loosen tight muscles but can really replace the benefits of touch.

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