
Benefits of recycling??

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who benefits?? is it only humans??




  1. Mainly everything that can use the recycled stuff.

  2. Humans do

  3. of course recycling benefits human recycling wood stuffs we save our trees. there are many ore and minerals that r not in abundance , by recycling it we will be able to secure our future .And we will have a better world to live in.

  4. well even the flora n fauna.....

    they get more space to live and breathe....and ofcourse a cleaner environment

  5. well generally humans yeah, seeing as we're the ones who damage the environment anyway, but mainly the future generations of humans - to preserve resources for them.but wildlife benfit because their habitats aren't going to be destroyed for fossil fuels or land-fill sites, and i guess trees and things benefit for not being chopped down :)

  6. Well the whole ecosystem would benefit from recycling.  Most humans think anthropocentric, that is only about humans, but look at the whole picture.  Yes you will reduce the space for landfills.  Will the rate in which forests are cut down be reduced though, in south america they are cutting them down for agriculture, so recycling paper is not going to reduce the rate by much.  Of course by recycling, you will keep plastics out of the landfills which would reduce the amount of chemicals that can potentionaly be leached out, birds which will get caught in your plastic 8 pack things, even though most of those birds are flying rats, aka sea gulls.  But recycling could put less strain on the ecosystem in general, detritovors can't break down plastics.

    I have watched a series on the trash in the pacific and it shows that a lot of the plastics in the ocean are those that are pre-usage, the pellets used in making plastic, and the albatross are feeding their babies and filling their stomachs with plastic.  So it does go far beyond just recycling and not recycling.

  7. I travel about 40 minutes to the recycling drop location in my county. I feel if everyone recycles the world of tomorrow will be a better place. It would be extremely selfish of me to live wastefully. Every living this benefits from a cleaner planet.

  8. Everything benefits from recycling, including humans, animals, wildlife and man-made products.

    You can read about the benefits of recycling here:

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