
Benefits of treating PCOS?

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I am thinking of seeing a doctor regarding PCOS.

But i am wondering is treating my PCOS will mean lesser hair on body after that.

1. will my facial hair drop?

2. will my acne stop forever?

3. will my body hair stop growing?

really thank you for sharing any info with me...

i need serious ans.






  1. My sister-in-law has this.  1.   probably 2. no 3. no.

    Treating PCOS protects your fertility, too.  

  2. I have pcos.  The answers are no, no, no.

    First lady was right, treatment of pcos is only to protect fertility.  It does so by making your period more regular - which is nice.  The stuff you're asking about are side effects for some people, but not everyone.

    Personally, i detest metformin/glucophage.  The explosive diarrhea hasn't gone away in the ten years I've been taking it.  I get cold sweats and hot flashes.  It has done absolutely nothing for acne, hair growth, facial hair.  There are separate medications that can be prescribed for those, but very expensive and slow working.

    Have you checked about metabolic syndrome?  Some docs are thinking this is related to pcos, insulin problems, etc.  

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