
Benelli/FN police tactical shotguns?

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I ask for feedback on these two autoloader shotguns so i can make a decisioon on which to buy for Duty carry....I get a range of answers from "over-priced junk" to "the best shotgun I have ever owned or fired" now I am torn between believing that the US Marine Corps and the US Army doesnt know whom to pick to build their guns and believing that some cop got one and has no trouble recommending my carrying and depending on one of these to defend my whats up with people? they just hate the idea that someone can afford the best?..I know these guns have stood the test of combat and constant duty carry and served well....




  1. opinions are like a*sholes...everybody has one...that Benelli Tactical auto that the Marines use is a choice firearm...I don't like the pistol grip it has but there is a regular stock offered by benelli as an aftermarket add on for only a few bucks..i have one of the FN's.and carry it on duty and have no reservations recommending it to you to defend your is not "over-priced junk" I assure you

  2. i have found that any time you ask for gun advice (like brand) half love it and half hate it.  i would go to a range or borrow one of each and fire them to see how they feel.  many ranges have loaner guns to test...

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