
Benelli/FN police/tactical shotguns?

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I asked for feedback on these two autoloader shotguns so I could make a decision on which to buy for Duty carry....I get a range of answers from "over-priced junk" to "the best shotgun I have ever owned or fired" now I am torn between believing that the US Marine Corps and the US Army dont know whom to pick to build their guns and believing that some cop got one and has no trouble recommending my carrying and depending on one of these to defend my whats up with people? they just hate the idea that someone can afford the best?..I know these guns have stood the test of combat and constant duty carry and served well....I just want to get the best for my money to defend my life and possibly my family's




  1. opinions are like a*sholes...everybody has one...that Benelli Tactical auto that the Marines use is a choice firearm...I don't like the pistol grip it has..I dont like ANY pistol grip on a shotgun... but there is a regular stock offered by Benelli as an aftermarket add on for only a few bucks..I have one of the FN's.and carry it on duty and have no reservations recommending it to you to defend your is not "over-priced junk" I assure you

  2. Money isnt the issue!!!! Reliabilty is the issue... I generaly have a beef with overpriced autoloaders... When the p**p hits the fan and they malfunction you have to s***w around with getting them cleared....   I bought a Mossberg 500 pump because of its reputation.... I have ran thousands of rounds thru it with NO problems - zip, nada, none... It has performed flawlessly... Its easy to use also... I dont care if you offer me a $10000 super shotgun. The Mossberg 500 # 50577 12 Gauge Persuader is what resides in my house... I hands down will trust my life and my familys life with it... Money isnt the issue.... These shotguns are awesome.... I use a regular Persuader model... The 590 is even better but since I'm not knocking down doors in Baghdad or using it in sandy, dirty, jungle, or wartime environments I dont deem it neccessary to have something that heavy duty.......... Yeah - Maybe that expensive Benelli might be better but you know what? The Mossberg is so reliable that I dont see the need to have better... AND please believe me I can afford expensive shotguns - Its not the price - its the quality that just happens to be inexpensive....

  3. I also am a big fan of Mossberg shotguns,but I have always wanted a Benelli/Fn.I never even fired one,but I have read alot about them,and from what I understand they are the best,but also the most expensive.If you have the money ,go for it.

  4. As far as I'm aware, the Army has never received the Benilli/ FN autoloaders. I have only ever seen the Mossberg 500 series as a common shotgun being issued. Though the Benilli would kick @$$!!!!

  5. I think the FN is a top choice firearm...I haven't seen or fired the Benelli but i have read reviews and they agree its a good the Marines like it...Id say pick what you want and go for it.....opinions are like a*sholes like the guy above says.....I don't like people who argue their opinions are the Best

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