
Benifits of co-habitation. My boy friend works. I am on disablity for lik e and he would like to?

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for tax perposes to use me as a dependant. ( out of the 3000 he makes a week, gvmt takes 1000). Sure, in the long run, at retirement the extra income would be appreciated, but we have IRA's stocks.. etc and could live comfortably ater he retires. the question remains. can he claim me and/ or my autisic son as dependants.




  1. Since you and your son have no income (less than $3500) he can take you two as dependents if you both live with him ALL year.  

    By the way, you mentioned IRAs.  I hope you know that you are not eligible to contribute money into any IRAs since you can only contribute up to your earnings which is 0.  That is one place that marriage would work in your favor since you could then put some of his earnings into your IRA which would be called a spousal IRA.

  2. You need to make sure that him claiming you as a dependnt does not affect your disability or anything you get for your son.

    If not then yes he can claim both of you.

  3. Your bf can claim a nonrelated person such as you if

    1.  You have less than $3,500 of income subject to tax.

    2.  You lived with bf all year

    3.  Bf provided over half of your support.  Your support does include the disability payments.

    As for your child, your bf could claim the child if all of the above also holds for the child, plus the condition that you are not required to file a tax return, and if you do file a return, you do so only to get a refund of taxes withheld.

    If you were a dependent, then you would be required to file a tax return if your unearned income (as from your investments) was $850 or more.  So if you do have investment income of more than $850, your child could not be a dependent of the bf even though you were a dependent.

    The tax benefits to bf for claiming you or your child are an additional exemption of $3,500 for each dependent.  The child's exemption does not qualify for the child tax credit or for head of household filing status since the child is not related to him.

  4. Of course that would be a great idea it will save you both money and you will have the benefits of staying together as well

  5. yup

  6. Talk to a professional.

    My son is autistic as well, I am going through disability.

    If I were to marry or be on anyones taxes they would consider us a couple and take away my sons disability. Mine is still "pending".

    This is what I have been a professional tax person.

    Medical bills etc.. is more then you b/f makes almost guaranty this.

    If he can take care of all of you comfortably then you and your son would not need to be on disability (social services)....right?

    mmm if bob is right, what does one put on the government forms as to where the disability money goes? I need to check that out (wink).

  7. I've been co-habitating with my partner for years can she claim me as a dependent despite the ban against our marriage?

  8. If your gross income is over $3400 he can't claim you.  If the disability payments are from social security, they might not count against the $3400.  Also, he can't claim you unless he provides over half of your support - and ss disability DOES count toward that calculation as support you provide for yourself.

    If he can claim you he might be able to claim your son, but not as a qualifying child for things like the child tax credit.  And neither of you qualify him to file as head of household even if he can claim you.

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