
Bent bananas and curly carrots?

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Did anybody else hear about euro saying we can have our bent bananas back..and our curly carrots......have they nothing better to think about..they should,nt have stopped us having bent bananas and curly carrots in the first place.....idiots




  1. europe are full of **** and time wasting ideas, i believe in an attempt to turn britian into the cess pit of europe so they can use our little island to put all their c**p and criminals on.

    they seriously have a lot to answer for and personally i believe we would have been better off not joining! what exactly have they done for us??????

    mr sceptic, for your information it was widely reported about 2 months ago that bananas and carrots were not allowed to be sold if they have a bend in them that was over a certain degree...thus ruling that many of bananas and carrots were not allowed to be sold! so maybe you should get your facts right! unfortuanlty the reports were that long ago that i cant find any quickly, and i have more important things to do than report old news to you.  but will try and have a look later on if i get time! i know it was in the daily mail

  2. I thought it was more a cucumber issue - nothing is done by the EU to our carrots.  Repeat the carrots are safe!  The Great British Carrot will never surrender to the yoke of European Tyranny.  

    I'm not so sure about the bananas though ...

  3. The EU is full of c**p, basically.  Worst decision the UK ever made.

  4. I completely agree with you.

    All bureaucracies need reasons to exist, including the EU, hence the silly regulations and pointless meetings. Reminds me of upper management :D

  5. All the starving people in the world and they just chuck away all that because it's bent, too small too big etc. Insane.

  6. Could you source this idea that 'Europe' banned us from having bent bananas and curly carrots.

    Of course you can't, because it's total rubbish. So who are the idiots? Those in Europe who did no such thing, or those who listen to people in the pub and base their political outlook on gossip and nonsense.

    I wouldn't normally recommend CNN as a news source, but try this:




    EDIT: Apologies! I have removed the filthy word.

    Norma, I'm 48, born in UK and have lived all my life in UK. You, too, are talking rubbish. You don't remember when these laws came in about bent bananas, because they never happened. You remember when the popular press misrepresented food hygiene standard regulations for their own ends.

    And if you can't find tasty English apples (which I agree are far nicer than the tasteless French golden delicious) then you can't be looking very hard. All our local supermarkets and greengrocers stock both!

    There are very good reasons to be concerned about the effect the vast array of EU legislation has on our sovereignty. But only a fool conducts the debate at the level of "how dare they ban bent bananas?"

    Also, during the years you believe that bent bananas were banned, did you notice the shops full of perfectly straight bananas? Of course not. Still, why let the facts get in the way of a good story?

    MORE EDIT: They? They? Who are the 'they' saying this? Some authoritative source, please?

    And have you not seen a bent banana for years, then? Because I haven't noticed any change in bananas, either before or since this 'non-ban'.

  7. Hi Jackie. Let me first of all go to mr sceptic. Do not call this woman an idiot, who frequents pubs to listen to other people, and bases her knowledge on their political gossip and nonsense as you say. How old are you that you would'nt know of these things? seems to me the only idiot is you. Yes Jackie I remember when these stupid laws came in. also mr sceptic did you know that years and years ago when we joined the common market [as it was known then] the British farmers were made to destroy all apple orchards which was far superior to the french apples. We ended up with their bland tasteless golden delicious. What makes me so sad is that the EU is still stripping us of our identity. Now mr sceptic go and do a little [I mean a lot]  of reading. you should read up on Britains history. I wouldn't mind betting you are not even British.

  8. By bent bananas and curly carrots, think they are talking about Obama and his worshipers.

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