
Beowulf and Christianity?

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At the time Beowulf was written down, Christianity was fairly new to areas and was spreading. There is a lot of reference to Christianity as well as references to paganism. Do you think this was gradual assimilation or do you think the poet, in reciting the story, just decided to leave the major storyline intact but add the new religion to it in areas in order to preserve the original story. It does seem to go back and forth from Christianity to Paganism but then again, the ancient Hebrews in the north did this as some still worshiped gods from the bordering countries. This of course caused problems between the north and Jerusalem . do you think the same thing was happening to the area during the time Beowulf was written down and that is why it is contradicting in religious terms? Just a thought.




  1. Beowulf combined both great traditions. Today both traditions can be combined well. but isn't very often.  

  2. When Beowulf was written, it was probably taken as fact. A hero story. At that time new creatures were still being discovered, and very inadequately described. So it was very possible to exaggerate. Same with Christianity and Paganism. He probably wanted to think he had both fighting on his side.


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