
Berlin / brandenburg xenophobic???

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so i heard that Berlin is quite xenophobic and im normally quite white looking even though im biracial but i tan easily and now im quite dark and I'm going to Berlin soon so i was just wondering if that area is particularly racist??




  1. Berlin is a very multi-cultural city and very tourist friendly. My sister who's black lives in Berlin and everytime I visit, I'm treated very nice there, nicer than I've been treated in the US. And some of those German guys were really hot ;)

  2. Germans, in general, are. Try Paris, they're nice, warm, hospitable people.

  3. That's rubbish! You do NOT have to be afraid to visit Berlin. I don't know where all those prejudices come from these days, especially in this section in YA. I come from Berlin and I have friends of various ethnicities in Berlin and NONE OF THEM have ever had any experiences with racism there! Of course there are always some idiots (=Neonazis) around, not just in Germany; many countries have problems with right-wing extremists these days. However, Berlin is very tourist-friendly. Those areas with a higher risk of being mugged/attacked in general (NOT just if you have a darker skin color) are those which a tourist will never get to see anyway (like Hohenschönhausen, Hellersdorf....). So please relax and enjoy your time in Berlin! It is a great city with so much to see and I promise you that you can feel safe there.

  4. Yes it is true - I have been attacked. Berlin has many no go areas for jews and foreigners. I would not travel there. Berlin is the capital of hate crimes in Germany - Brandenburg is just as bad. I would rather travel to Hamburg or Cologne.

    By the way: Berlin has fewer immigrants than any other major city in Germany. They live in "ghettos" such as Kreuzberg in Berlin - there are almost no foreigners in the eastern parts of Berlin. Too dangerous there.

  5. I can't say it any better than the two ladies have done before me. Berlin is so special now because it once again is a multicultural metropole, and "multicultural" lives of having people from all backgrounds, shapes and sizes. As a tourist, you are really not in any danger to run into the idiots someone mentioned earlier. The places they hang out at are not downtown areas. And anyway, the most attacks with a racial/neonazi background go against people who are German residents, just like their attackers, and just have a migrational background. That they are attacked is bad enough, but I leave that subject now. Only let it be said that I don't think anyone should be attacked, be it in Germany or anywhere else. Period.

    Back to the point: the racists/neonazis have no reason to pick on tourists, and they usually don't.

    Just keep organized, know where you want to go and how to get there, and keep your common sense with you as you go. But those are tips I would give everyone going to a strange city.

    Have fun in Berlin! It is a great place, and not a place to be afraid of!

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