Bernie Ecclestone threatens to sue FIA in case ticket sales drop for 2014 season – Formula 1 news
Formula 1 Management chief Bernie Ecclestone has threatened to sue to the International Automobile Federation (FIA) in case ticket sales for the 2014 season drop because of the new engine regulations.
“They have got a contract with me and if they can't honour it, because they aren't selling any tickets, I probably wouldn't hold them to it,” he said. “We may have to sue the FIA.”
The FIA recently revealed the specifications of the new engines which will be introduced in the 2014 Formula 1 season instead of 2013 mainly just to buy some time before making such a major change to the sport.
At first, the FIA wanted to introduce four-cylinder turbo charged engines to the sport in 2013 but after a lot of criticism, they have now been convinced that they must at least keep V6 engines in the sport but they will also be turbo charged.
It is believed that the FIA agreed to this engine change mainly because of the fact that Audi, an engine manufacturing company has changed its decision about joining Formula 1 and they are not interested in joining the sport anymore as a result of which,
the FIA is now more flexible in making the engine regulation changes.
However, Ecclestone still believes that the FIA will not be able to keep the environment or the feel of the sport intact by reintroducing turbocharged engines to the sport.
“[It] is not Formula One - it doesn't sound anything like Formula One. [The race promoters] believe these [new] engines will take away what people want when they go to Formula One races - the glamour and the noise - and therefore they won't be able to sell
the tickets and they won't be able to pay us,” he told the media.
Let’s see how the International Automobile Federation (FIA) reacts to the statements of Bernie Ecclestone. Whether ticket sales for the 2014 season drop or not, remains to be seen.