
Bertie Ahern?

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The Irish leader has stepped down before he was sacked by the government. He was a corrupt patronising obstinate lying cheating perjuring gurrier. He should hang his head (but wont) in shame. Good riddance. Anyone with me on this.




  1. And your proof for all that is.............?

  2. I concur with all you have said. You have not heard the half of it. He is taking court action to block other revelations, but all will be eventually revealed. What will his make up girls do now. He was spending up to 1000 a week on prettying up, the vain blackguard.

  3. Aren't they all?

  4. I think he should be brought up on fraud charges over the amount he claimed on make up and make up artists.  Tango foundation doesn't cost anywhere near that amount.  It's hilarious watching him on telly with his luminous orange face and pasty white neck.  Good riddance!

  5. Don't hold back there janice h... as emporer paladine once said, "let the hate flow through you" i don't think bertie is rotten to the core, i like him, but i think he had to go as if were ever going to get accountability in the country, then heads have to roll and be seen to role when there caught out,  bertie is on record as saying that any elected rep. should not take money for personell use and he did that so he should fall on the sword that he helped to temper. i've always had a some concens over bertie as he was haughys golden child and i don't think he would have brought anyone into his inner circle that he felted would'nt play ball. but other then that berties worked very hard for the country and i think that the only thing more dangerous then not being able to get rid of a corrupt public servant is for the media to be able to hound out one who has not been through a fair hearing, thats as dangerous to a healthy democracy as having a media overly controled or stymied, as is the case elsewhere.

  6. In our democracy , we still use the innocent until found guilty , legal system , when the Mahon tribunal finds him guilty , I will agree with you , until then , I will have to go with the view that he was one of the leaders this state ever had

  7. I agree. He was totally corrupt. To ASCOILE...He lied through his teeth about his affairs, He lied under oath ..He has been publicly called a perjurer, the evidence is there.But alas, where the few bob is concerned, his followers of which there are many, will turn the proverbial blind eye. Poor Bertie my a*rse.He should be jailed, the no good gurrier.

  8. Would that be aka Shadysback? it's a perfect description of him

  9. and another just like him will take his place...

  10. yep i am!!!!!

  11. That is Enda WOTSIT speak...WOTSIT is an embarrassment

    with scant sense of humour... the turkey-head vulture  type searching for soft smelly carrion   Are you perched on the same   pillar of  ssh...odour   ! ?

  12. Bertie Ahern resigned today, rather than face a debate in the dail. The Mahon tribunal will not sort this one out. It will be up to the people to believe what they want. A little bird tells me, that he would have been sacked today if he had not volunteered his resignation. Cute Bertie took the easier option in the hope that a well paid position will be manufactured for him by his cronies, a lot of whom are also liberal with the truth. People talk of his achievements???. A woeful infrastructure, a third world health service, our children being taught in many cases in wooden rat infested huts, Ireland is totally uncompetitive, the cost of living is sky high, homelessness is rife, young people (our lifeblood) commit suicide in record numbers because of todays climate, lies are being told about the throngs of immigrants and their contribution to Ireland, refugees are being admitted in record numbers, crime rates are soaring, murder,rape, the use of weapons,every green corner of this little island is being built on, etc etc. Is it possible that there is more kudos in getting involved with outsiders rather than our own.Berties contribution...Sweet F.A.

  13. Very well said, those are my sentiments exactly.

    Ben H - exactly - that's why he's known as the 'teflon taoiseach' ! he thought he could get away with it, only the teflon has worn a bit thin now !!.
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