
Bertie is gone!!?

by  |  earlier

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Whats his legacy, apart from the anorak of course




  1. That's a shame. I liked Bertie.

  2. I just can't believe the Teflon Taoseaich is gone. What on earth could have been so bad as to make him resign? I liked Bertie. He had that lovable roguery, and seemed to be more a man of the people. Still, I didn't buy that 'bumbling' act of his for one second. He is a very intelligent man.

  3. I think he was one of da greatest taoiseachs of all time.

    His efforts in northern ireland eventually led to the form of a government with ian paisley and martin mcguinness.

    He sided with america WHILST STAYING NEUTRAL in that war by letting american aircraft refuel in shannon.

    He was  head of government for 11 years and still kept doing his job eventhough he recieved a lot of complaints from angry nurses.

    he will be a iconic figure in irish history for many years to come


  4. Sher wasn't he a great man for the dig-out all the same?

    Sher weren't they throwing money at him to beat the band and he goin round in a battered old anorak for years?

    We're glad to see the back of him. Sher what did he ever do for the farmers?

  5. His legacy is the tabloid headlines about him that he left behind...

  6. I am so upset by this. Look at what he has done for our country.

    Looka t our economy since he came to power. Such a nice guy-an irish legend.

    i am disgusted he was bullied to leave

  7. about time....

    bertie has not been responsible for the economic growth of ireland that would have happened regardless of who was in charge but he is responsible for the immigration crisis we are facing

    bye bye bertie

  8. His part in the peace process I would say.No matter who was in over the last decade we'd have been doing well.I'm actually proud that Ireland has come far enough not to put up with any political shenanigans.We are none of us above the law and the higher up in office you are the more transparent your affairs should be.He was fine otherwise but the game was up.Next!

  9. finally lol!

  10. I thought the ****** had died or something. jesus, he was a bleedin crook, the only downside is that gift grub are going to have to find a new job for Bertie

  11. don't really like politics, especially Irish politics, shocking complicated. it's sad to see him go, after so long and all. no matter what bads things he has done (mainly his so-called dodgy dealings with money), it's the media that pushed him in the end. he was a great leader, and no one can say he wasn't. he did alot for this country, ecomony wise and his part in the good friday agreement is what he'll be remembered mostly for.

    he's definitely a better leader than any of the other idiots in his party, I wonder which of them will take over now.

  12. and it's about bloody time.

  13. I dont think he was that bad but i do think he had to go, you cant lead a country with all that scandel about your finances. I heard someone yesterday wondering if he will go for presidency when Mary McAleese is done i thought it was funny at first but know im wondering if he wouldnt win. The way hes leaving now he looks a bit like a martyr who has been hounded out of his job by the press and he does have the "common touch", I think he would be in with a chance.

  14. glad to see the back of him.

    he was corrupt, a liar and an embarrasment to the irish nation.

    he wasn't responsible for the economic growth in this country,it would have happened regardless of who was in power because  every other country was going through the any other country he'd have been gone long ago,all of his lies are being unravelled.

    and for all of those who say he was bullied out

    if he conducted his finances in a proper and legitimate way he wouldn't have had to leave.

    overall the legacy he has left is a health service that doesn't work that will be very hard for the next person and mary harney to clear up and a memory of him being a corrupt sentence sluring imbosile

  15. At least £800,000 and a memory of a less than honest money-grabber.

  16. thank god, sick of looking at his slimy face, politicians all the same, in it for themselves, look at the state of the hospitals and transport in Ireland.  Where are all the school for autism children, he looks way too sleazy, glad hes gone.Too many lies catching up with him.

  17. hey sometimes better the devil you know then the devil you dont.think he did alot of good for this country maybe of recent times got side tracked abit but as for all the financial questions do you really think he the only one who was at it now come on alot have got their fingers in the pot just not been caught.

  18. who is bertie?

  19. well he spent that didn't he?  a sort of likeable rogue is where i place him but i don't have your knowledge im afraid.  it seems we like people in power who only gently shaft us on a daily basis. x

  20. ah he was likeable man. Even if he did slobber all over me when he was campaigning at the last election...
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