
Beside being cheaper does diesel fuel engine is burning faster than gasoline fuel engine or they're equal?

by Guest65017  |  earlier

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i live in the caribbean diesel fuel is cheaper than gasoline




  1. The speed and effinciecy of deisel engine design is compairable to many alcohol fueled and gas-fueled engine designs. What is important is that the engine is designed to take full advantage of the fuel that it is fed with. A 19 to 1 compression engine fed with a perfect dilivery of propane will yield the same amount of work delivered by a 8-1 comp. gasoline engine. What is important is how efficient the burn pattern is at the moment of ignition. The current state-of-the-art is about a 100 mpg's in light weight cars at 120 mph's. Thats all B.S. compared to what can be done with electrics! Please take the time to inquire 'bout Tesla's refinements that evolved into no need for energy payments! The robber barons have simply converted his 'truths' into a blind reason for they're collection of are hard earned money!

  2. Diesel fuel has to be heated before it will combust, Gasoline dosen't. Thats why you can't use diesel in a gasoline engine.

  3. Actually the diesel fuel burns slower. Diesel engine has much higher compression ratio to achieve more efficient combustion process. It produces less pollution.

  4. To use diesel you have to have a diesel engine.  A diesel engine has a higher compression ratio than a gasoline engine and the compression raises the fuel air mixture to the point where it combusts (in a gasoline engine spark plugs ignite the fuel air mixture).  A diesel engine is generally significantly more efficient than a gasoline engine, so in that sense the diesel does not burn as fast as gasoline in a gasoline engine.

  5. A diesel will give you a better fuel efficiency than a gasoline engine.

    "Diesel-powered cars generally have a better fuel economy than equivalent gasoline engines and produce only about 69% as much greenhouse gas pollution. This greater fuel economy is due to the higher energy per-liter content of diesel fuel and also to the intrinsic efficiency of the diesel engine. While diesel's 15% higher volumetric energy density results in 15% higher greenhouse gas emissions per liter compared to gasoline, the 20–40% better fuel economy achieved by modern diesel-engined automobiles offsets the higher-per-liter emissions of greenhouse gases, resulting in significantly lower carbon dioxide emissions per kilometer."

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