
Besides English, Which two of the following languages are you willing to learn by yourself? And the reasons?

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Mandarin is my native language, so it's an exclusion from the list,

1, French

2, Italian

3, Spanish

4, Portuguese

5, German

6, Japanese

7, Arabic

8, Russian

9, Persian

Please kindly choose only two of them and don't post any spams.

Thank you very much!




  1. German

    and spanish

  2. Well, I already learn French and Japanese, so I'd pick... Spanish and Italian. I don't know why, I just think Spanish sounds pretty (as lame as that sounds) and Italian sounds interesting...

  3. As a native English speaker, I would choose French and German, as I enjoy the works of French and German playwrights, philosophers and scientists and sometimes the original provides a slightly different, but important, meaning compared to the translation. Also, because they share a lot with English, I wouldn't have to strive as hard to learn a new alphabet and new vocabulary.

    Yeah, I'm lazy...

  4. spanish and arabic. although I'm not fluent in spanish i have had 5 years of  classes so I'm already a decent speaker. also, it is a very useful thing to know in this country these days. it could easily get me a job over many other monolingual candidates. arabic because my dad and his family are all lebanese and some of my relatives only speak arabic. also, i have already spent a few months of my life in lebanon and i like it there and i'd like to be able to speak their language.  

  5. French, it wouldn't be too difficult and there are plenty of French movies and it's a widely spoken language and not terribly difficult.

    Russian, Persian as a second choice for no particular reasons.

  6. French because i like it and Arabic because it is the language used in the Gulf where you can get a very good salary

  7. I speak well Italian, French, Portuguese & Spanish, i will learn Chinese Indian & Arabic, because they represent the new  leading forces in the industry, commece and arts.

  8. spanish and french.come you need spanish now a days and French who know i might want to visit france with out getting lost.  

  9. I would never learn a language by myself so I'm going to interpret the question as which two would I learn from a class.

    I'm already studying Japanese so I won't choose that one.

    Spanish because it's handy for the United States and Arabic because it looks so insanely difficult.

  10. well i would love to learn loads of different languages because now with everybody from all over different countries are moving all over the places you wouldn't know if they was speaking french,portuguese,german and so on.

  11. i think spanish because it is are 2ed language if u call any where they say would u like this in  english or spanish also when u look at jobs they will say can use spanish people well im just putting it in my own words then my2ed language would be italian cuz i am italian u allways want to go with what u are

  12. Chinese is great for commerce and business.

    Spanish because it is the second language in the Americas.

  13. 1. Spanish, because so many people around where I live speak it.

    2. German, because I'm part German, and have an interest in it.

    Besides those two, French, and Italian, because they sound s**y.

  14. I would like to learn Spanish, Arabic , or Russian. I know you said 2 but any of those would be nice to learn.

    Also Chinese come to think of it.

  15. Spanish, and probably Chinese. Because they are the two most growing populations in the world right now, and getting a job and knowing Spanish is a huge benefit to a company.

  16. Sanskrit the mother of all languages.

  17. my native language is tagalog and kapampangan. i know english too. and right now i'm learning japanese by mself but i'll enroll in a japanese class maybe next year. this fall, i'm taking spanish 101 since i'm going into nursing and a lot of patients cannot speak english. soo yeuh

    Diluted Thought

  18. Spanish and French

    Spanish coz i just like it very much

    French coz its widely spoken

  19. French definitely and Japanese

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