
Besides Humans, Dogs, Owls, and Horses, are there ever Ghosts of other Animals?

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Most ghosts, ghost stories, and campfire folklore pretty much just focus on human spectres. Occassionally, if an animal is included in a ghost story it is only a dog, owl, or a horse. These are also the 3 mythological land creatures that were part human; the centaur, the werewolf, and the owlman.

I'd be interested in other animals in ghost stories if you know of any.




  1. There are plenty of appearances of animal in a spiritual form... But animals are how can you say are not a haunting creature when you see an animal spirit it is in its natural enviorment and is doing what animals do like grazing or hunting.... Etc... And you normally only see animals spirits like during thunder storms or when there is a lot of lightening is going on.............

  2. The wolf and the bear BOTH return from the other side of life in spirit form ..... as does ALL mamals ....

  3. supposedly there is a ghost cat that roams around the white house.

  4. I've heard of ghost cats,(never seen one), and I'd imagine most higher animals have a spirit form as well.

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