
Besides Queen Noor & Queen Rania,what are other Muslim queens?

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Both queens mentioned above are very what other Muslim queens like Queen Noor and Queen Rania?




  1. Noor and Rania are merely white American women who did gold digging mamma proud by snagging a Big Oil rich man.

    In my book, they're what Anna Nicole wished she could be.

    Aside that, I could care less about any of them.

  2. There are some Moslem monarchs, but the wife of the King or Sultan does not consider or called as "Queen". They're just being given a noble title.

    Happens in Malaysia and Brunei.

  3. Noor jehan,

    Mumtaz Mehal

    Razia Sultan,

    Farah Pahlavi,

  4. Mr. Wizard,

    Contrary to many  beliefs.  Queen Noor is not American. Her mom Is American her dad is Arabic.  Queen Rania is 100 % Arabic.

    Queen Noor converted to Islam, because that was the only way she can become a Queen.  Rania was born a Muslim.

    Also,  The late King Hussein, Queen Noors husband.  Was NOT oil rich man.  Get your facts straight.  A great man, as well as his son.  the Husband to QUeen Rania.

    I like Queen Rania, because she works hard for the Arabic women, and want them to have equal rights.  On the other hand, Queen Noor.  Not so much.

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