
Besides being a Cancer sun, what other aspect would make a guy be obsessed with his mom??

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I know a guy who's a Cancer and REALLY obsessed with his mom.

Is there anything BESIDES being a Cancer sun that would indicate a mother obsession in his chart? Just wondering if anyone had an idea..

I thought maybe a Venus in Cancer would make this happen too, but I'm not sure!

Anyone have any ideas??




  1. Thanks for the contact add!

    Whoa, thats weird.

    But my cast came off so I am happy!

  2. A Cancer or Pisces Moon can do this.

    Also, more than astrology, it has to do with the fact that his mother has trained him to be dependent on her. She has allowed him to continue to have an inappropriate relationship with her. Or the opposite could be true and she was emotionally distant/abusive and he is still yearning for that loving relationship.

    In either case, the only hope for him is to realize that he is an adult and it is time to grow up. Whether mommy was a saint or the devil, it is time to move out of childhood and find healthier outlets for his emotions.

  3. oedipus complex

  4. This depends on how the kid was raised

  5. moon in the fourth

    descendant conjunct pluto

    sqaure venus

    opposite jupiter

  6. Moon in Cancer,


    the Moon conjunct Pluto

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