
Besides bettas what fish don't need pumps

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i cant get a pump for a long time due to one reason or another

i would like to add a couple diffrent fish to my tank of 5 female bettas

any ideas (shrimp snails gouramis???




  1. catfish

  2. Every fish produces waste and therefore, EVERY fish should have a filter of some kind, including bettas.  

  3. Goldfish....  

  4. Are you talking filter or air pump?

    If your talking filter, really all fish need a filter except for the bettas if your doing regular water changes. (don't think about adding gouramis as they can get aggresive and nippy with bettas)

    If your talking air pump than you can add many diffrent fish like shrimp, snails, danios, tetras, rasboras, etc.

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